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Events in a story 2


Read the passage.
Zhang Tao frowned as he walked into his new school and then to the gym for the morning assembly. He took off his backpack and sat down in a crowd of students. As the principal welcomed everyone, Zhang Tao thought about how he hadn’t wanted to move or go to a new school. Afterward, he nervously walked down the hallway and took a deep breath as he entered his classroom.
A girl who looked upset was talking to the teacher. She held a backpack that looked like Zhang Tao’s. He noticed a yellow keychain on it. It was his keychain! Except for the keychain, the two backpacks looked alike. He rushed up and explained what had happened. The girl sighed with relief, and they all laughed. Suddenly the new school didn’t seem so bad after all.
Which choice best explains how the main character changes by the end of the story?
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