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Connecting steps 2


Read the passage.
Image source: "Scissor..." by leodelrosa... is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

What do scissors, pliers, and rakes have in common? They are all simple machines! Simple machines are tools. People—even kids—use them to make things easier to do.
When you use scissors, you’re using a machine called a lever. First, you grip the open scissors with your finger and your thumb. Next, you bring your finger and thumb together. As you do this, the force of your hand pushes the lever. The lever then moves one of the blades down. This closes the scissors and cuts the paper. Snip!
Read these sentences from the passage.
Next, you bring your finger and thumb together. As you do this, the force of your hand pushes the lever.
What happens next?
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