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The central message or moral 2


Read the passage.
“Mom”, said Miku, a little mouse, “I just saw a soft, white, kind-looking animal. I was going to ask it to be my friend, but there was a big, mean-looking bird nearby. The bird suddenly screamed, and the animal ran away.”
“Oh, Miku”, her mother said, “don’t be fooled by appearances! That kind-looking animal was a cat! Cats eat mice like you. The mean-looking bird was a rooster. I know he looks scary, but the rooster won’t hurt you. Roosters just say, ‘cock-a-doodle-doo!’”
Which detail from the story best supports the lesson that Things aren’t always the way they look?
Choose 1 answer:
Source: Adapted from Aesop, The Aesop for Children: with Pictures by Milo Winter. Rand McNally & Co, 1919.