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The end of a story 2


Read the passage.
Lucy the kitten was curled up on her cushion napping.
Milo the mouse popped his head out of a hole in the floorboard. “Squeak!” he teased Lucy.
Quickly, Lucy jumped up and pounced at Milo. She was too late. Milo scurried back into the hole, and Lucy hit her head. Milo giggled safe inside his hole.
“Ouch!” Lucy cried. “I’m going to get that mouse.” Lucy wrapped her head in a bandage and sat on her cushion. “Ow!” she groaned.
Milo crawled out to check on Lucy. As he got closer, Lucy grabbed Milo. “Now who’s laughing little mouse!” Just then, Lucy’s bandage slipped and covered her eyes.
Milo wriggled out of Lucy’s grip and scurried back into his hole glad to be safe.
Read this sentence from the passage.
“Milo wriggled out of Lucy’s grip and scurried back into his hole glad to be safe.”
Based on this sentence, how does Milo feel?
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