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Course: LSAT > Unit 1

Lesson 5: Analytical Reasoning – Worked examples

Ordering setup | Given info–could be true | Worked example

Watch a demonstration of one way to approach a "Given info: could be true" question on an ordering setup from the analytical reasoning section of the LSAT.

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Video transcript

- [Instructor] Before you dive into the questions for the setup, make sure to watch the setup video in which we created our initial diagram using the rules and in which we made deductions from those rules. This question asks us, "what is the latest year in which L could have been begun?" So, we are working with a could be true question and it's a could be true that's based on the given information. Usually we well be able to use our initial diagram and knowledge of the rules in order to answer these. So in our initial setup we deduced that L couldn't be first, fourth, or fifth. So we know already that the answer is going to be either 602 or 603. Since we are looking for the very latest year in which L could have been begun or in other words, the highest numbered year in which L could have been begun. It would make sense to see if L could be in 603. If L were in 603, then F could be fourth, and H could be fifth. We could put the GM pair in 601 and S in 602 to make this configuration, and that works. So, C is our answer. Just a reminder, that we had deduced in the initial setup, that L couldn't be fourth or fifth because it has to be earlier than F and H. And it's so helpful to take the time up front to determine where elements can't go, if you're given information that leads you to those deductions. So once again, our answer here is C.