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Course: LSAT > Unit 1

Lesson 5: Analytical Reasoning – Worked examples

Mixed setup | Given info–could be true 1 | Worked example

Watch a demonstration of one way to approach a "Given info: could be true" question on a mixed setup from the Analytical Reasoning section of the LSAT.

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Video transcript

- [Instructor] Before you watch this video, make sure to go through the overview video for this same setup. That's where we went through the introduction and notated the rules and made the deductions that you'll see me using in this question. So this question asks us how many of the politicians are there, any one of whom, could be the sole politician interviewed in the third segment. What we're being asked to identify how many of the politicians could be alone in the third segment without breaking any of the rules. The answer isn't immediately obvious from our diagram, so we'll have to work it out using what we know from the rules and the deductions. It'll help if we can eliminate some candidates right off the bat. So let's think about who can't be alone in the third segment, either because they can't be alone, or because they can't be in the third segment. Well we can rule out Kim or Munson since they're together, and so they aren't ever alone. Can't be Hernandez because we know Hernandez can't ever be third. So so far, that leaves Greer, Lewis, and Fallon. Think about scenario two, which is the only one that works here. In scenario two, could Fallon be third alone? I think so, we could put Hernandez in second, and Greer and Lewis would be first, this is fine. Okay, how about Greer or Lewis? Well if Greer or Lewis were to be alone in segment three, that would mean that Fallon is in segment two in order to be after Hernandez, and then Hernandez and the other of Greer or Lewis is in one, so that works as well. That means that B is our answer. There are three politicians, any one of whom could be the sole politician interviewed in the third segment, Fallon, Greer, and Lewis.