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Course: LSAT > Unit 1

Lesson 5: Analytical Reasoning – Worked examples

Ordering setup | Given info–basic 2 | Worked example

Watch a demonstration of one way to approach a "Given info: basic orientation" question on an ordering setup from the analytical reasoning section of the LSAT.

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Video transcript

- [Instructor] Make sure that you've already watched the setup video in which we created the initial diagram that you see here. This question asks, which one of the following could be the pair of monuments that were begun in the same year as each other. This is a wonderful question because we'll be able to make short work of it thanks to the deductions we made in our initial setup. Because we had deduced that L, F, and H cannot be begun in 601 together, and 601 is the only year that can have a pair of monuments, that left only G, M, and S to be candidates for 601. That means that two of G, M, and S are the monuments paired in 601 together. The answer has to be E because M and S could be in the same year as each other. Here's one way that that could work. We could have M, S in 601, G, L, F in 234, and then H in five. Again, E is the answer and we were able to get it very quickly thanks to our initial deductions.