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Tennessee Math

Mathematical Reasoning for Decision Making | MR: Financial Mathematics (N.NQ)


Not covered
Define common terms associated with finance (such as interest, compound interest, annuities, retirement funds, amortizations, future value, and present value) and know how each term is related to personal finance.
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Not covered
Calculate compound interest within the context of personal finance (such as credit card debt, home/car purchase, personal loans, and amortization schedules) and use the results to make decisions (for example, determine which home financing option is best).
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Not covered
Access and use published data (such as average life expectancy based on location and/or health issues, investment data, retirement funds, and annuity data) to calculate and compare retirement investments (such as total savings and monthly payouts) based on projected income.
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Not covered
Access and use published data to create depreciation schedules and analyze the depreciation of various assets (such as cars, business equipment, and store fixtures).
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Not covered
Develop a personal mid-term (three to five years) financial plan based on anticipated income, projected living expenses, projected retirement or other savings, and other factors that affect personal finances.
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Mostly covered
Access and use published data to develop a three-year financial plan for starting and running a small business (including projected income and projected fixed and variable costs such as licenses, rent and utilities, city and state taxes, cost of goods sold, etc.).