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Trait theory

Trait theory explores personality through identifiable behavior patterns. It describes traits rather than explaining them. Traits are stable characteristics causing consistent behavior. Theorists like Allport, Cattell, Eysenck, and the Big Five offer different perspectives on traits. Allport suggests unique trait subsets, Cattell proposes 16 universal traits, Eysenck highlights three major dimensions, and the Big Five identifies five key traits. Created by Shreena Desai.

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  • blobby green style avatar for user AM
    anyone else hearing really low bass throughout the whole video?
    (18 votes)
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  • starky tree style avatar for user Wesley
    The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is widely rejected by psychologists, so I find it slightly inappropriate to recommend it in a science educational video.
    (9 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Christina Tse
    According to Eysenick, psychoticism does not vary as the others do. Why is that? Are not some people more imaginative than others? What about mental disorders that give rise to hallucination and delusions?
    (5 votes)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user p53 rocks
      In my MCAT prep book (Princeton Review Vol 1 of the Psych. Soc review), it mentions that Eysenck thought that Extroversion and Neuroticism were the result in differences in the reticular formation (for extroversion) and the limbic system(for neuroticism), hence why people can express these to "varying degrees." The book makes no mention of the psychoticism though.
      (6 votes)
  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Benjamin Franklin
    In Allport's theory, can the cardinal traits of one person be the central or secondary traits of another?
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    • female robot grace style avatar for user Phaedra Brown
      Yes--while cardinal traits are rare, they are often terms that can be coined for other people, to a less severe extent. Take for example, Gandhi. Many people would use "peaceful" or something similar to describe his whole self. Phoebe Cary, though, while a peacekeeper, is also an activist, is stubborn, and has many other traits that she could be defined as. So, I'd definitely say that one's cardinal trait could be the central or secondary trait of someone else.

      Hope this helps. c:
      (4 votes)
  • purple pi purple style avatar for user Sexy A.I.
    if I describe my friend's personality by their patterns of consistent behavior then did I just profile my friend?
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Elissa Janelle
    this person never labels! please
    (4 votes)
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  • leaf green style avatar for user marcoscotlar
    Is introversion a personality type or personality trait and why?
    (3 votes)
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    • leaf green style avatar for user Robert Chester
      Is introversion a personality type or personality trait and why?

      Actually, it’s neither. There are two dominant theories of personality in psychology today. Most psychologists, therapists, and researchers subscribe to trait theory in one of its multiple variations as discussed by the speaker in the video. However, many others follow the teachings of Carl Jung.

      In the trait theory of personality, “…the person is conceived of as consisting of a bundle of traits; some are stronger, some weaker; some closely associated or correlated with other traits, some having no connection to other traits.” (Quenk, A. T., 1984, p. 15) Most trait theories of personality measure only “extraversion.” Thus, if you have “more,” you may be called an extraverted person. If you have “less,” people may think of you as introverted. However, introversion as a trait is not typically recognized independently of extraversion.

      In contrast, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® measures both extraversion and introversion, but again, neither exists independently. You can think of them as adjectives. It’s foolish to say, “John has a red…” because we need to know “a red what?” Likewise, in type theory you can’t talk about “an introverted person.” Only the four-letter combination denotes a complete personality type. The letters individually do not. See the Center for Applications of Psychological Type for more information.

      Center for Applications of Psychological Type: http://www.capt.org/mbti-assessment/type-dynamics.htm

      Quenk, A. T. (1984). Psychological types and psychotherapy. Gainesville, FL: Center for Applications of Psychological Type.
      (3 votes)
  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Unicorn
    Eysenck- PEN model (an acronym for all of you!)
    (3 votes)
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  • leafers seed style avatar for user Osama Shehryar Khan
    myers-briggs type indicator personality framework? its strength and weaknesses?
    (1 vote)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user Tony Moore
      Would you ask a cigarette company to tell you about the pros and cons of smoking? I wouldn't either. Here is an alternative and authoritative source for you to get answers to your questions:

      "In the Mind's Eye: Enhancing Human Performance" by Daniel Druckman and Robert A. Bjork, Editors; Committee on Techniques for the Enhancement of Human Performance, National Research Council. ISBN: 0-309-56309-7, 304 pages, 6 x 9, (1991)
      This $79 book is available from several sources. However a complete PDF of the book is available, FREE, from the National Academies Press at:

      See "An Appraisal of the MBTI" starting on page 96 in "Chapter 5: Developing Careers." It's an eye-opener. I hope you find it helpful.
      (1 vote)
  • leafers ultimate style avatar for user ff142
    At doesn't she mean factor analysis reduces the number of categories, not the number of variables?
    (1 vote)
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Video transcript

Hi, everyone. Welcome back. We're going to be talking about the trait theory today. So what better way to describe individual personalities than by using traits? Well, the trait theory is a very straightforward approach describe personality. We do it everyday. It basically defines personality in terms of identifiable patterns of behavior. So that is a key word. They are patterns of behavior. And I'll explain that in a little bit, into a little bit more depth. So it describes traits instead of explaining them as in many other personality theories. So this theory uses description versus explanation, versus other theories of personality tend to use explanation to describe patterns of behavior. So what exactly is a trait? Now, if someone asked you to describe your best friend, what kind of things would you say? Maybe that your best friend was funny, caring, loyal, even-tempered? Well, all of these words that I just called off represent traits. A trait can be thought of as a relatively stable characteristic. So that is another defining word. It is a stable characteristic. And what do I mean by stable? So it's a stable characteristic that causes individuals to consistently behave in certain ways. So it has to be consistent. I guess that's synonymous with stable. So the combination and interaction of various traits forms a personality. And that's what's unique to each individual. No two people have the exact same personality. We can even see that within our families. Even though we share many genes, we all have different personalities because we all possess these different traits. Well, let's get into what different theorists of the trait theory have to say in trying to describe traits. So, a little aside over here, I found these personality tests to be so fascinating, like the Myers-Briggs personality type test. I don't know if you've taken it before. But basically, it gives you a set of four letters that categorizes you into one of 16 personality types. And then within each one of those personality types, there's a set of traits and behaviors that you tend to dominate in your everyday life. So anyways, if you haven't checked those types of personality tests out, I highly recommend it. I know a lot of companies use them for employment. And it's just a fun way to get to know yourself and your tendencies a little better. I'm always curious. So individual trait theories differ in terms of whether or not they believe that all individuals possess the same traits. And I'll get into that in a little bit. And you'll see why I say that. So let's go through the first theorist. His name was Gordon Allport. So what Allport said is that all of us have different traits. He didn't believe that all individuals have the same traits. He said that they could differ amongst individuals. And he actually came up with a list of 4,500 different descriptive words to describe traits. And that wasn't the original list. Apparently, the original had over 10,000. That's crazy. So anyways, from those 4,500, he was able to come up with three basic categories of traits. And the first one are our cardinal traits. The second one are our central traits. And the last are our secondary traits. Now of these three, the cardinal traits are the characteristics that direct most of a person's activities. So these are the dominant traits, the ones that lie in the cardinal category. For example, one person may have a cardinal trait of selflessness, or power motivation, but Allport says that not all individuals have selflessness or power motivation. So that's the key right there. Individuals have some subset of traits from a universal possibility of traits. But not all individuals have the same traits. We mix and match. We all possess different ones. Now these cardinal traits influence all of our behaviors, including the central and the secondary traits, or dispositions, which influence behavior to a lesser degree. So these are dominant, and these are expressed at a lesser degree. So an example of a essential trait is honesty or sociability or shyness, which are less dominant than these cardinal traits. And a secondary trait is something like a love for modern art or a reluctance to eat meat. And these are more preferences, or attitudes. Let's go to the second theorist. And his name was Raymond Cattell. So now what Cattell did is that he proposed that we all have 16 essential personality traits. We all do. He said that they represent the basic dimensions of personality. And he turned this into the 16 personality factor questionnaire, or 16PF for short. That was his contribution. So he categorized all of our traits into 16 personality traits that we all possess. The third theorist was Hans Eysenck. and what Eysenck did, his theory is based on the assumption that we all have three major dimensions. And these three major dimensions of personality encompass all traits that we all possess. But the degree to which we individually express them are different. So this is different from Allport. Again, Allport said we have different unique subsets of traits. Eysenck is saying we all have these traits, but we express them at different degrees. So there's three major dimensions of his theory. The first is extroversion. So you know what that is. Extroversion versus introversion, and that is the degree of sociability. The second is neuroticism, and neuroticism is our emotional stability. And the third is psychoticism. Let me make sure I'm spelling this right. There we go. Psychoticism is the degree to which reality is distorted. OK, so I know I said Eysenck said that we all possess traits that lie in these three categories, but we display them, or express them to different degrees. Well, there's a little caveat here because Eysenck said that we all have varying degrees of extroversion and neuroticism, but not necessarily psychoticism. All right, moving on, the last major theory trait is called the big five. And the big five, again, is found in all people of all populations. So the first major personality trait in the big five is openness. Let me do this in a different color. So the first is openness. And what I mean by openness is that we ask the question, are you independent, or are you conforming? Are you imaginative, or are you practical? The second is conscientiousness. And that is a mouthful. So in conscientiousness, we're asking the questions, are you careful or careless? Are you disciplined or impulsive? Are you organized or disorganized? The third is extroversion. And in extroversion, we're asking the questions, are you talkative, or are you quiet? Are you fun loving, or are you sober? The fourth is agreeableness. And in agreeableness, we're asking the questions, are you kind, or you cold? Are you appreciative or unfriendly? And the last we've already seen from Eysenck, and that is neuroticism. So in neuroticism, we're asking the questions, are you stable or tense? Calm or anxious? Secure or insecure? So the best way I learned to memorize the big five is using the acronym O.C.E.A.N, O-C-E-A-N. Easy. OK, so Cattell, Eysenck, and the big five all over here used something called factor analysis to come up with this these categories of our traits. So factor analysis is a statistical method that categorizes and determines our major categories of traits. And Allport's theory did not use that. He relied on different procedures to determine traits. So basically, factor analysis reduces the number of variables and detects structure in the relationships between variables. And we do that because we want to classify variables. So in the past, probably at the time of Cattell and Eysenck, all of this was done out by hand. All the possible combinations in determining the number of categories of traits was done by hand. But now, we have fancy computer software that can do all the math for us. And it's what gives us these final sets of variables or classification of personality traits.