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Florida B.E.S.T. Math

High School: Calculus: Develop an understanding for and determine derivatives.

State, understand and apply the definition of derivative. Apply and interpret derivatives geometrically and numerically.
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Interpret the derivative as an instantaneous rate of change or as the slope of the tangent line.
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Prove the rules for finding derivatives of constants, sums, products, quotients and the Chain Rule.
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Apply the rules for finding derivatives of constants, sums, products, quotients and the Chain Rule to solve problems with functions limited to algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential.
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Find the derivatives of implicitly defined functions.
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Find derivatives of inverse functions.
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Find second derivatives and derivatives of higher order.
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Find derivatives using logarithmic differentiation.
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Demonstrate and use the relationship between differentiability and continuity.
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Apply the Mean Value Theorem.
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