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Arkansas Math

Grade 1: Number & Place Value

Counting - Students extend the counting sequence.


Not covered
Count forward and back within 120 by ones and tens from any given whole number.
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Not covered
Skip count forward by multiples of fives within 120.
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Place Value - Students understand the base ten place value system.


Not covered
Explain the place value of ones and tens in two-digit numbers, using concrete models, diagrams, numbers, or words.
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Not covered
Read, write, and represent whole numbers up to 120, using concrete models or drawings, word form, base ten numerals, and expanded form.
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Not covered
Use concrete models or drawings to subtract multiples of 10 from multiples of 10 (within the range of 10-90), relate the strategy to a written expression or equation, and explain the reasoning used to solve.
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Not covered
Use mental strategies to find 10 more or 10 less than a given two-digit number.
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Comparison - Students use place value understanding to compare numbers.


Fully covered
Compare two two-digit numbers using symbols (<, =, >) based on the value of tens and ones in the given numbers.

Fraction Foundations - Students build a conceptual understanding of fractions.


Not covered
Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares, describing the shares using the words halves, fourths, and quarters; understand that decomposing into more equal pieces creates smaller pieces.
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