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Single and multiple covalent bonds

Octet rule - Matter always wants to be in the most stable form. For any atom, stability is achieved by following the octet rule, which is to say all atoms (with a few exceptions) want 8 electrons in their outermost electron shell (just like noble gases). The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom are called valence electrons.
Exceptions to the octet rule include hydrogen (H) and helium (He) that follow the duet rule instead. They are the first two elements of the periodic table and have a single electron shell which accommodates only 2 electrons. Other exceptions include some group 3 elements like boron (B) that contain three valence electrons. Theoretically, boron can accommodate five more electrons according to the octet rule, but boron is a very small atom and five non-metal atoms (like hydrogen) cannot pack around the boron nucleus. Thus, boron commonly forms three bonds, BH3, with a total of six electrons in the outermost shell. This also results in some anomalous properties for boron compounds because they are kind of “short of electrons”. It should be thus noted that covalent bonding between non-metals can occur to form compounds with less than an octet on each atom.
BH3 atom
In general, achieving the octet configuration (i.e. 8 electrons in the outermost shell) is the driving force for chemical bonding between atoms. Take a look at the outer shell configuration (i.e. number of valence electrons) of three atoms – sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl) and neon (Ne):
Outer shell configuration diagrams of sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl) and neon (Ne)

Ionic and covalent bonds

Let’s look at the following two scenarios A and B. There are two kids, Emily and Sarah. They both are very good friends.
Scenario A:
Scenario A relationship diagram
Scenario B:
Scenario B relationship diagram
Now let’s apply the above analogy to chemical bonding. Assume that Emily and Sarah represent two atoms, and the blanket symbolizes their valence electrons. In scenario A, atom Emily is willing to donate her electrons (blanket) to atom Sarah because by doing so both achieve an octet configuration of 8 electrons in their respective outer shells, making them both happy and stable. This donation of electrons is called ionic bonding.
Example of an ionic bond
Example of an ionic bond
In scenario B, both the atoms Emily and Sarah are equally electronegative. So, neither Emily nor Sarah is ready to part with her electrons (blanket), and they instead share their valence electrons with each other. This is called a covalent bond. Electronegativity is a measure of how strongly an atom attracts electrons from another atom in a chemical bond and this value is governed by where the particular atom is located in the periodic table (francium is the least electronegative element while fluorine is the most electronegative).
Example of a covalent bond
Example of a covalent bond
Single and Multiple Covalent Bonds
The number of pairs of electrons shared between two atoms determines the type of the covalent bond formed between them.
Number of electron pairs sharedType of covalent bond formed
Now let’s move on to a couple of examples and try to determine the type of covalent bonds formed
Diagram of single covalent bond being formed
Nitrogen atom can attain an octet configuration by sharing three electrons with another nitrogen atom, forming a triple bond (three pairs of electrons shared)
Diagram of nitrogen bonding into octet configuration
Consider the molecule carbon dioxide (CO2). Let’s determine the type of covalent bonds it forms.
Diagram of two double covalent bond being formed

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