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The membrane potential

How the resting membrane potential is established in a neuron.

Key points:

  • A resting (non-signaling) neuron has a voltage across its membrane called the resting membrane potential, or simply the resting potential.
  • The resting potential is determined by concentration gradients of ions across the membrane and by membrane permeability to each type of ion.
  • In a resting neuron, there are concentration gradients across the membrane for Na+ and K+. Ions move down their gradients via channels, leading to a separation of charge that creates the resting potential.
  • The membrane is much more permeable to K+ than to Na+, so the resting potential is close to the equilibrium potential of K+ (the potential that would be generated by K+ if it were the only ion in the system).


Suppose you have a dead frog. (Yes, that's kind of gross, but let's just imagine it for a second.) What would happen if you applied an electrical stimulus to the nerve that feeds the frog's leg? Creepily enough, the dead leg would kick!
The Italian scientist Luigi Galvani discovered this fun fact back in the 1700s, somewhat by accident during a frog dissection. Today, we know that the frog's leg kicks because neurons (nerve cells) carry information via electrical signals.
How do neurons in a living organism produce electrical signals? At a basic level, neurons generate electrical signals through brief, controlled changes in the permeability of their cell membrane to particular ions (such as Na+ and K+). Before we look in detail at how these signals are generated, we first need to understand how membrane permeability works in a resting neuron (one that is not sending or receiving electrical signals).
In this article, we'll see how a neuron establishes and maintains a stable voltage across its membrane – that is, a resting membrane potential.

The resting membrane potential

Imagine taking two electrodes and placing one on the outside and the other on the inside of the plasma membrane of a living cell. If you did this, you would measure an electrical potential difference, or voltage, between the electrodes. This electrical potential difference is called the membrane potential.
_Image modified from "How neurons communicate: Figure 2," by OpenStax College, Biology (CC BY 4.0)._
Like distance, potential difference is measured relative to a reference point. In the case of distance, the reference point might be a city. For instance, we can say that Boston is 190 miles northeast, but only if we know that our reference point is New York City.
For a cell’s membrane potential, the reference point is the outside of the cell. In most resting neurons, the potential difference across the membrane is about 30 to 90 mV (a mV is 1/1000 of a volt), with the inside of the cell more negative than the outside. That is, neurons have a resting membrane potential (or simply, resting potential) of about 30 mV to 90 mV.
Because there is a potential difference across the cell membrane, the membrane is said to be polarized.
  • If the membrane potential becomes more positive than it is at the resting potential, the membrane is said to be depolarized.
  • If the membrane potential becomes more negative than it is at the resting potential, the membrane is said to be hyperpolarized.
_Image modified from "How neurons communicate: Figure 2," by OpenStax College, Biology (CC BY 4.0)._
All of the electrical signals that neurons use to communicate are either depolarizations or hyperpolarizations from the resting membrane potential.

Where does the resting membrane potential come from?

The resting membrane potential is determined by the uneven distribution of ions (charged particles) between the inside and the outside of the cell, and by the different permeability of the membrane to different types of ions.

Types of ions found in neurons

In neurons and their surrounding fluid, the most abundant ions are:
  • Positively charged (cations): Sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+)
  • Negatively charged (anions): Chloride (Cl) and organic anions
In most neurons, K+ and organic anions (such as those found in proteins and amino acids) are present at higher concentrations inside the cell than outside. In contrast, Na+ and Cl are usually present at higher concentrations outside the cell. This means there are stable concentration gradients across the membrane for all of the most abundant ion types.

How ions cross the membrane

Because they are charged, ions can't pass directly through the hydrophobic ("water-fearing") lipid regions of the membrane. Instead, they have to use specialized channel proteins that provide a hydrophilic ("water-loving") tunnel across the membrane. Some channels, known as leak channels, are open in resting neurons. Others are closed in resting neurons and only open in response to a signal.
Some ion channels are highly selective for one type of ion, but others let various kinds of ions pass through. Ion channels that mainly allow K+ to pass are called potassium channels, and ion channels that mainly allow Na+ to pass are called sodium channels.
In neurons, the resting membrane potential depends mainly on movement of K+ through potassium leak channels. Let's see how this works.

What happens if only K+ can cross the membrane?

The membrane potential of a resting neuron is primarily determined by the movement of K+ ions across the membrane. So, let's get a feeling for how the membrane potential works by seeing what would happen in a case where only K+ can cross the membrane.
We'll start out with K+ at a higher concentration inside the cell than in the surrounding fluid, just as for a regular neuron. (Other ions are also present, including anions that counterbalance the positive charge on K+, but they will not be able to cross the membrane in our example.)
If potassium channels in the membrane open, K+ will begin to move down its concentration gradient and out of the cell. Every time a K+ ion leaves the cell, the cell's interior loses a positive charge. Because of this, a slight excess of positive charge builds up on the outside of the cell membrane, and a slight excess of negative charge builds up on the inside. That is, the inside of the cell becomes negative relative to the outside, setting up a difference in electrical potential across the membrane.
For ions (as for magnets), like charges repel each other and unlike charges attract. So, the establishment of the electrical potential difference across the membrane makes it harder for the remaining K+ ions to leave the cell. Positively charged K+ ions will be attracted to the free negative charges on the inside of the cell membrane and repelled by the positive charges on the outside, opposing their movement down the concentration gradient. The electrical and diffusional forces that influence movement of K+ across the membrane jointly form its electrochemical gradient (the gradient of potential energy that determines in which direction K+ will flow spontaneously).
Eventually, the electrical potential difference across the cell membrane builds up to a high enough level that the electrical force driving K+ back into the cell is equal to the chemical force driving K+ out of the cell. When the potential difference across the cell membrane reaches this point, there is no net movement of K+ in either direction, and the system is considered to be in equilibrium. Every time one K+ leaves the cell, another K+ will enter it.

The equilibrium potential

The electrical potential difference across the cell membrane that exactly balances the concentration gradient for an ion is known as the equilibrium potential. Because the system is in equilibrium, the membrane potential will tend to stay at the equilibrium potential. For a cell where there is only one permeant ionic species (only one type of ion that can cross the membrane), the resting membrane potential will equal the equilibrium potential for that ion.
The steeper the concentration gradient is, the larger the electrical potential that balances it has to be. You can get an intuitive feeling for this by imagining the ion concentrations on either side of the membrane as hills of different sizes and thinking of the equilibrium potential as the force you'd need to exert to keep a boulder from rolling down the slopes between them.
If you know the K+ concentration on both sides of the cell membrane, then you can predict the size of the potassium equilibrium potential.

Does membrane potential equal K+ equilibrium potential?

In glial cells, which are the support cells of the nervous system, the resting membrane potential is equal to the K+ equilibrium potential.
In neurons, however, the resting membrane potential is close but not identical to the K+ equilibrium potential. Instead, under physiological conditions (conditions like those in the body), neuron resting membrane potentials are slightly less negative than the K+ equilibrium potential.
What does that mean? In a neuron, other types of ions besides K+ must contribute significantly to the resting membrane potential.

Both K+ and Na+ contribute to resting potential in neurons

As it turns out, most resting neurons are permeable to Na+ and Cl as well as K+. Permeability to Na+, in particular, is the main reason why the resting membrane potential is different from the potassium equilibrium potential.
Let’s go back to our model of a cell permeable to just one type of ion and imagine that Na+ (rather than K+) is the only ion that can cross the membrane. Na+ is usually present at a much higher concentration outside of a cell than inside, so it will move down its concentration gradient into the cell, making the interior of the cell positive relative to the outside.
Because of this, the sodium equilibrium potential—the electrical potential difference across the cell membrane that exactly balances the Na+ concentration gradient—will be positive. So, in a system where Na+ is the only permeant ion, the membrane potential will be positive.
In a resting neuron, both Na+ and K+ are permeant, or able to cross the membrane.
  • Na+ will try to drag the membrane potential toward its (positive) equilibrium potential.
  • K+ will try to drag the membrane potential toward its (negative) equilibrium potential.
You can think of this as being like a tug-of-war. The real membrane potential will be in between the Na+ equilibrium potential and the K+ equilibrium potential. However, it will be closer to the equilibrium potential of the ion type with higher permeability (the one that can more readily cross the membrane).

Opening and closing ion channels alters the membrane potential

In a neuron, the resting membrane potential is closer to the potassium equilibrium potential than it is to the sodium equilibrium potential. That's because the resting membrane is much more permeable to K+ than to Na+.
  • If more potassium channels were to open up—making it even easier for K+ to cross the cell membrane—the membrane would hyperpolarize, getting even closer to the potassium equilibrium potential.
  • If, on the other hand, additional sodium channels were to open up—making it easier for Na+ to cross the membrane—the cell membrane would depolarize toward the sodium equilibrium potential.
Changing the number of open ion channels provides a way to control the cell’s membrane potential and a great way to produce electrical signals. (We will see the opening and closing of channels again when we discuss action potentials.)

The Na+-K+pump maintains Na+ and K+ gradients

The Na+ and K+ concentration gradients across the membrane of the cell (and thus, the resting membrane potential) are maintained by the activity of a protein called the Na+-K+ ATPase, often referred to as the sodium-potassium pump. If the Na+-K+pump is shut down, the Na+ and K+ concentration gradients will dissipate, and so will the membrane potential.
Like the ion channels that allow Na+ and K+ to cross the cell membrane, the Na+-K+ pump is a membrane-spanning protein. Unlike potassium channels and sodium channels, however, the Na+-K+ pump doesn’t just give Na+ and K+ a way to move down their electrochemical gradients. Instead, it actively transports Na+ and K+ against their electrochemical gradients.
The energy for this "uphill" movement comes from ATP hydrolysis (the splitting of ATP into ADP and inorganic phosphate). For every molecule of ATP that's broke down, 3 Na+ ions are moved from the inside to the outside of the cell, and 2 K+ ions are moved from the outside to the inside.
_Image modified from "The sodium-potassium exchange pump," by Blausen staff (CC BY 3.0)._
Because 3 Na+ are exported for every 2 K+ brought into the cell, the pump makes a small direct contribution to the resting membrane potential (making it slightly more negative than it would otherwise be). The pump's big contribution to the membrane potential, however, is indirect: It maintains steady Na+ and K+ gradients, which give rise to the membrane potential as Na+ and K+ move down their respective concentration gradients through leak channels.

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  • blobby green style avatar for user kakarorahahai
    please correct me if i am wrong...this what i understood from this article:
    -we assume that initially there is electrical neutrality across the membrane.
    -then if channels are present they allow the movement of sodium and potassium ions and leads to the development of constant membrane potential.
    -now as the membrane potential is constant the charges leaving the cell must equal the charge entering .
    -na k pump maintains concentrations as some leakage of ions still take place.
    (9 votes)
    Default Khan Academy avatar avatar for user
  • leafers seedling style avatar for user Pruthviraj Tarade
    do our physical movements affect ion exchange?
    (11 votes)
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    • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Alexander
      physical movement would cause afferent sensory neurons to fire and yourself to notice that you are moving. Also moving itself would cause afferent neurons to send action potentials to the muscles, which affects the ion exchange.
      (12 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user celina v
    I understand the mechanisms, but what is the actual point in maintaining the concentration gradients?
    As the article states, if the sodium/potassium pump ceased to function, the concentration gradients would dissipate. If the whole purpose of the concentration gradients is to create an action potential, why can't the membrane be non polar and then instead of depolarising the membrane at threshold, it would merely, polarise it? this would still create an action potential would it not? I don't understand WHY there is a whole mechanism to maintain these gradients when an action potential could still be created if the membrane at rest was non polar.

    Is it because there wouldn't really be an resting membrane potential? I.e the membrane would never truly be at rest because of the different permeabilities and equilibrium potentials of the ions? Therefore an action potential would not be able to be created.. But if there was Na+ constantly moving in and K+ constantly moving out, why would this not keep a constant membrane potential?
    (6 votes)
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    • orange juice squid orange style avatar for user Okapi
      I think it is because it is easier and faster to depolarize the membrane than to polarize it. The sodium/potassium pump needs energy and time to clear the intracellular space from sodium, and I guess it would be quite ineffective to take this mechanism for impulse transfer.
      And what one might forget is that every cell has a concentration gradient! I even heard it as a definition of life, to have a specific concentration of ions which is not the same as the one surrounding the cell. This concentration gradient is important for metabolic processes, i.e. to build new molecules or to break them down, and for the osmosis - water always tries to equal concentration differences out by going towards the more salty regions. That is how we absorb water and why people can't drink sea water, for example.
      So the resting potential is very important.
      (3 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user HUH AL
    Why Cl is not contributing much to the resting potential. More importantly, why the Cl does not move into the cell during action potential when the electrochemical gradient (charge and concentration) is in favor for Cl to move in?
    (4 votes)
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    • piceratops tree style avatar for user Jen
      The membrane is relatively impermeable to Cl-, yes, but Cl- influence is also reduced because its equilibrium potential is already close to the resting membrane potential (I believe Cl- equilibrium potential is around ~71mV)! Keep in mind the equilibrium potential of ions that the membrane is more permeable to has a greater impact on resting potential than that of ions the membrane is less permeable to. So even if permeability to Cl- increased, I'm fairly certain the value of the resting potential still wouldn't be greatly affected. :)
      (4 votes)
  • leaf green style avatar for user Shaine Galarce Sarmiento
    Brief but detailed summary of how resting membrane potential is generated
    (1 vote)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user student
      Resting membrane potential is generated by the combination of sodium and potassium pump and the leak channels of these ions. The function of the pump is to take out three sodium from the cell and two potassium into the cell with the use of ATP (changes the shape of pump to release these ions), already with the stoichiometry difference, we see a charge difference. Furthermore, because it is more postive outside of the cell, and negative inside the cell, plasma membrane becomes more permeable to Potassium on our leak channels. Therefore, even with leak channels of both ions, potassium is more permeable. Causing a standard measurement of -70mV resting potential
      (8 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user menal kameel
    at resting membrane potenital do Na go in and K out? i cant understand resting membrane potential
    (3 votes)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user vedant vani
      Resting membrane potential of a neuron is about -70mV which means that the inside of the neuron is 70mV less than the outside. There are more k and less NA+ inside and more NA+ and less K+ outside. It is because the cell membrane is selectively permeable which means that is allows some substances to come in while restricting the others. The cell membrane is selectively more permeable to K than Na and hence there are more k inside than the outside, and hence outside is more positive then the inside.
      (2 votes)
  • marcimus purple style avatar for user L.E.A.R.N.E.R
    Is it ok if I don’t fully understand this? I’m only in 5th grade.
    (3 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Emed1
    Why is Chloride's membrane potential negative despite having a higher extracellular concentration?
    (3 votes)
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  • leaf blue style avatar for user Raii6Desu
    The first picture at the starting state, it shows that the voltage is neutral, even though there's more (negative, and positive) ions inside relative to outside, why?
    Does there have to be more anions than cations inside for it to be considered negative (so they don't cancel each other out)? I'm confused.
    (3 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Dilayaykan
    what happens when the concentration of Na is increased in the extracellular fluid, is there a depolarization or hyperpolarization?
    And the same goes for the increased concentration of K in the extracellular fluid, is there a depolarization or hyperpolarization?
    (2 votes)
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    • leafers tree style avatar for user James
      When Na is increased in the ECF it will not have any major affect on the cell, a negligible depolarization if even measurable because the higher outside gradient will help push the Na into the cell (but remember that it isn't very permeable so it's minute).
      K will have a bigger effect because the extra ECF will decrease the internal leakage of K from ICF to ECF because there would be a higher gradient outside now. The end result would be in depolarizing the cell, how much would depend on how much K was added to the ECF.
      (4 votes)