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Opening self-reflection

Reflect on how certain changes in your life would make your feel.
Begin this lesson by taking a moment to reflect on the following two questions:
  1. Imagine that you get your dream job, whatever that is. How happy would you expect to be after a year in the job?
    • Less happy than I am now.
    • Approximately as happy as I am now.
    • Slightly happier than I am now.
    • Significantly happier than I am now.
  2. Now imagine that you and your current best friend get into a terrible argument that ends your relationship. How happy would you expect to be a year after the end of this friendship?
    • Happier than I am now.
    • Approximately as happy as I am now.
    • Slightly less happy than I am now.
    • Significantly less happy than I am now.

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