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Point of view: creative fiction 7


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The Alabaster Disc

  1. Angelo scanned the tangerine horizon searching for his father’s fishing boat. The sun was just setting over the Philippine Batanes islands, and Angelo’s father had usually returned home by this hour. Although Angelo didn’t relish the impending work—cleaning the day’s catch for tomorrow’s market—he was anxious to get started. His friends were gathering later and he wanted to join them.
  2. Angelo dug his feet into the still-warm sand, searched the sea, then sighed—there was no sign of his father. To pass time, Angelo scoured the beach for flat shells and rocks to skip into the shallows. He had a small pile already when his fingers discovered something round, smooth, and flat stuck deep in the sand. After a few minutes of digging, Angelo managed to get the object free, but before he had the chance to inspect it, he was interrupted.
  3. “Hey, Angelo!” called Benito from the far side of the beach. “You coming? It’s almost 8:00.”
  4. Angelo looked up, shaking the long hair away from his eyes. “Sorry," he said. "I wish I could, but I have to help my father."
  5. “He’s not back yet?” asked Benito. “That’s strange.”
  6. Angelo shrugged. Sometimes his father stayed out later than usual.
  7. “You don’t want to miss this one—I hear the Salazar twins are coming!”
  8. Angelo sighed and shook his head. He wanted to go, but he knew his dad counted on his help.
  9. Benito shrugged. “Suit yourself," he said. “If I were you, I’d let him do his own work tonight.”
  10. Angelo was about to make some excuse to cover his loyalty, but he stopped when he felt a buzzing in his hand. He looked down and was startled by what he found. He stared in disbelief. “No way is this happening to me," he said, waving Benito over.
  11. When Benito saw what Angelo held, he backed away rapidly. “That’s the alabaster disc of Bathalang Maykapal! Bury that thing deep in the sand—pretend you never set eyes on it!”
  12. But Angelo was mesmerized. He turned the disc over and over in his palm. How could such a small thing signify such a powerful omen? Everyone on the islands knew the disc’s power to summon Bathalang Maykapal. Everyone understood that if you hurled the disc into the sea, you were making a wager with the ancient god—one that could only lead to one of two things—certain death or glorious riches.
  13. Benito’s eyes widened as he saw Angelo consider the opportunity. “Don’t do it!” he implored. “You know what happened to my great-great-aunt! Just bury the disc in the sand and forget about it!”
  14. But the temptation was too strong for Angelo. Glorious riches would mean that his father wouldn’t have to work so hard. Glorious riches would mean that he wouldn’t have to be elbow deep in fish guts when his friends gathered at the cove. Angelo couldn’t resist the possibility. He took a deep breath, hurled the disc into the sea, and chanted: Bathalang Maykapal, visit me this night. Adorn me with riches, or take away my light. Bathalang Maykapal—
  15. But before Angelo could finish the rhyme, a massive column of water rose from the sea and hovered over him.
Why does Angelo wait for his father rather than go to the party?
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