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Key ideas: drama 7


Read the drama which is based on real events.

Carter’s Find

Cast of Characters:
Howard Carter: 1920s British archaeologist
Lord Carnarvon: wealthy British lord that funded Carter’s Egyptian archaeological expeditions
Ammon1: Carter’s Egyptian assistant
Scene One:
[CARTER and AMMON standing at Egyptian archaeology site The Valley of the Kings. CARTER wears 1920s English men’s clothing. AMMON is adorned in a white turban, long sleeved white shirt, white pants, and gray vest.]
Carter: [taking a swig of water from a canteen] Ammon, do you know what day it is?
Ammon: Saturday, November 4th, sir.
Carter: [sighing] Yes. 1922 is coming to a close rather quickly. We’d better find something noteworthy soon. Lord Carnarvon writes that if we don’t find any indication that the Valley of the Kings holds an undiscovered tomb, our funding for this project will stop at year-end.
Ammon: [nodding] Don’t worry, Carter. There’s much still hidden here. We just have to find it.
Carter: [putting his hand on AMMON’s shoulder] Yes, I believe that too, but we’ve been here for months and we’ve yet to uncover anything significant. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m starting to get discouraged.
[Wind picks up and blows sand across stage, CARTER and AMMON cover their eyes, AMMON steps backward and stumbles.]
Scene Two:
[Sand has cleared and scene reveals that AMMON is kneeling on the second step down on an ancient earthen staircase.]
Carter: [hurries to AMMON to help him up] Ammon! This looks like a staircase leading to—
Ammon: [jumping up and down] a tomb!
[CARTER and AMMON grab shovels and dig, revealing the top of a doorway that’s sealed with plaster. Royal seals are partially visible.]
Carter: These are undisturbed royal Egyptian seals! As tempted as I am to unseal the tomb, we need to notify Lord Carnarvon. He’ll want to be here when we see what’s inside—I’ll cable him immediately. I’ll write: "At last have made wonderful discovery in valley; a magnificent tomb with seals intact."
Scene Three:
[Almost three months later, CARNARVON, CARTER, AMMON, and a few others are standing outside a cleared tomb doorway—the seal of King Tutankhamun is visible]
Carter: [drills hole in doorway, and peers inside]
Carnarvon: [excitedly] Can you see anything?
Carter: [smiling widely] Yes! Wonderful things!
[Stage light flashes on the room behind the door, showing an assortment of treasures, including a chariot, dusty golden treasures, and more.]
What problem does Carter have in the drama?
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