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Text structure: poetry and prose 4


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Before I was Shipwrecked

  1. “Wilky!” Captain Martello bellowed below deck. “We need your help!”
  2. I climbed the ladder quickly and was astonished that I hadn't awakened on my own. Usually I could sense a storm brewing hours before it arrived.
  3. Captain Martello noticed my look of surprise. “She’s coming on quick, this one—here, grab the rope. Help me pull down the sail.”
  4. Overboard, the waters had changed—no longer were they an inviting green
    ; they were dark and
    . The moon above tried to peek through the angry skies, but the clouds kept hijacking her hopeful glow.
  1. Suddenly, a giant slow-rolling wave forced my side of the vessel to dip into the water. I tried to hang on, but the
    wave was tugging at me. Captain Martello grabbed my leg and managed to yank me onto Adelina’s salt-sprayed deck.
  2. “You’re safe," he said firmly. “For now.”
How does the fourth paragraph build suspense?
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