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Reasons and evidence: informational texts 4


Read the letter.
Dear Principal Blaustein,
  1. I hear you’re considering having students wear uniforms to school. Some people think that uniforms stop bullying. They also think that uniforms save parents money. However, students shouldn’t have to wear uniforms because they don’t solve these problems. Plus, wearing uniforms blocks creativity.
  2. One argument for school uniforms is that they make all students look the same. Schools think that this helps prevent bullying. But research shows this isn’t true. Bullies find different reasons to pick on others. A bully can make fun of someone’s hair or the way they talk. A bully will always be a bully.
  3. Many people think that school uniforms save money. This also isn’t true. Uniforms cost a lot of money. My friend Jasmine’s school uniform cost over $500! Also, most students change out of their uniforms after school. Parents have to buy school uniforms and clothes to wear after school. This costs families more money.
  4. Everyone likes to express themselves in different ways. Some people do this by dressing creatively. Uniforms don’t let students show their personalities. If students have to wear uniforms, they will find another way to express themselves. It may not be in a good way.
  5. In conclusion, there are many reasons why students shouldn’t be forced to wear uniforms. Uniforms take away the ability for creative self-expression. Also, uniforms cost families more money.
  6. I hope you will not make us wear school uniforms at Roversfield Academy.
Miranda Choi
Which of these statements would the author most likely agree with?
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