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Effect of substrate on the rate of SN1 reaction-Part 2

This video is in continuation to part one and talks about the reason behind the reluctance of a phenylic or vinylic substrate to react via SN1 mechanism while the allylic and benzylic substrates easily react via SN1. The allylic and benzylic carbocations are stabilised via resonance while the vinylic and phenylic cations are highly unstable and do not easily form. 00:25- Meaning of vinylic C, allylic C, phenylic C and benzylic C. 1:05- Comparing the reactivities of allylic and vinylic substrates 3:41- Why are vinylic cations unstable? 4:56- Comparing the reactivities of benzylic and phenylic substrates. 7:17- Summarising what we learnt! Practice this concept -https://www.khanacademy.org/science/class-12-chemistry-india/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:haloalkanes-haloarenes/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:sn2-sn2-e1-e2/e/effect-of-substrate-on-sn1-reactions?lang=en and https://www.khanacademy.org/science/class-12-chemistry-india/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:haloalkanes-haloarenes/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:sn2-sn2-e1-e2/e/effect-of-substrate-on-sn1-reactions-intermediate?lang=en Check out more videos and exercises on “SN1/SN2/E1/E2” -https://www.khanacademy.org/science/class-12-chemistry-india/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:haloalkanes-haloarenes/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:sn2-sn2-e1-e2/v/carbocation-stability-recap. Created by Aanchal Arora.

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