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How evolution works

Earth is a home to such diverse species with it's unique features. From animals with unsually tall necks to plants without leaves. From walking fishes to flightless birds, we have them all. But, here's the mind blowing part. We believe that if we trace back enough, all these creatures share a common ancestor. Wondering how that's possible? Welcome to this mini-course on 'How evolution works". No it's not just a one track progress to becoming better. It's much deeper. All the way from how DNAs replicate to how natural selection unfolds But there's more, evolution isn't just biology; the same idea sheds light on how certain languages evolved over time, how social media transformed business and why certain products dominate our world today. All these and many more phenomena are rooted in the principles of evolution. So, if you are pumped to start learning, let's dive right in. Created by Mahesh Shenoy.

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