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SN1 mechanism: Kinetics and substrates

This video talks about the mechanism involved in an SN1 reaction. It also elaborates on what is a rate determining step and how it affects the rate of a reaction. We learn how to calculate the rate of an SN1 reaction and also, what is the order of an SN1 reaction. In the end, it tells why the nucleophile does not affect the rate of an SN1 reaction while the concentration and type of substrate does. 00:00- Introduction 00:30- What is nucleophilic substitution? 1:15- How does nucleophilic substitution occur? 1:40- Mechanism of SN1 reaction 3:00- What is RDS? 4:11- Equation for reaction rate 5:47- Factors affecting the rate Master the concept of “SN1/SN2/E1/E2” through practice exercises and videos - https://www.khanacademy.org/science/class-12-chemistry-india/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:haloalkanes-haloarenes/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:sn2-sn2-e1-e2/v/carbocation-stability-recap Check out more videos and exercises on “Haloalkanes and Haloarenes” - https://www.khanacademy.org/science/class-12-chemistry-india/x6a5fb67b43bb54b9:haloalkanes-haloarenes. Created by Aanchal Arora.

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