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Physical and chemical changes

Physical and chemical processes can be classified by the changes occurring on the molecular level. In general, chemical processes involve changes in chemical bonds, while physical processes involve changes only in intermolecular forces. Some processes do not fit neatly into one category: for example, when NaCl dissolves in water, ionic bonds are broken (suggesting a chemical process), but no new substances are formed (suggesting a physical process). Created by Sal Khan.

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  • stelly orange style avatar for user faye 🎈
    Hiya Mr Sal & anyone reading this,
    Since the dissolving salt in water is a reversible change (as you can dissolve it in the water, then boil it and condense the water and have remaining salt crystals behind), isn't it considered a physical change? None of the chemical properties of the salt have been touched: no substances added or removed. I do not understand how it can classify as a chemical change... may I have an explication, please?? Also, a key concept / characteristic of physical changes is reversibility.
    Thank you for taking this into consideration.
    (7 votes)
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    • leaf red style avatar for user Richard
      The dissolving, or dissolution, of a salt in water is considered a chemical change because we are breaking ionic bonds between the salt ions and forming new noncovalent ion-dipole bonds between the ions and the water molecules. If we heat the water so that it vaporizes, the ion-dipole bonds break and the ions are free to reform their previous ionic bonds.

      So the physical structure of the ions is changed, but the physical properties are also changed. Solid salt and aqueous salt ions have different physical properties which would indicate that they are different chemicals and that a chemical change occurred. Solid salts are poor electrical conductors, while aqueous salt solutions are excellent electrical conductors.

      Physical changes are when just the structure of the matter changes, but not the chemicals. Chemical changes are when the identity of the chemicals change where we get new chemical with different properties. Reversibility is not a distinction between the two since there are chemical changes which are reversible and nonreversible.

      Hope that helps.
      (7 votes)
  • piceratops seed style avatar for user vivianmartin
    *Isn't everything always changing all the time?*
    (3 votes)
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    • leaf red style avatar for user Richard
      Well if you define 'changing' as reacting in chemical reactions or undergoing physical state transitions, then no, there certain chemicals which do not change. A quick example being the nitrogen gas in the air we all breathe. Nitrogen gas has an especially strong bond between the nitrogen atoms and therefore does not react under normal conditions in the air hence why there's so much of it. It also doesn't undergo physical changes in normal conditions and remains a gas. So under normal conditions, there is no change to the nitrogen gas. You can change the conditions where you do create change though but this happens in laboratory settings. Hope that helps.
      (6 votes)
  • duskpin tree style avatar for user Cupcake_387#🧁
    How do we know the difference between physical changes and chemical changes
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user ILoveToLearnMath101
    I dont get thus..Can anyone explain this in a little easier form?
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user jd88798
    How is heat physical change? , heat doesn't change it stays hot.
    (2 votes)
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    • blobby green style avatar for user Justinius Guoism
      A physical change is characterized by its effects on the intermolecular bonds between molecules. In this case, the heat results in the molecules gaining energy, which eventually turns the solid water into a liquid state. Also, the composition of water (H2O), doesn't change, all it does is "space" each molecule more further apart.

      Hope this helps :)
      (2 votes)
  • area 52 purple style avatar for user Not Qwenck
    At , Sal says that he "ran out of salt at the beach" and boiled ocean water to get more. No judgement, but why would you do that? I know most of the bacteria was probably killed through boiling the water, but was it really faster than just leaving the beach temporarily to buy more salt? Is it even allowed to start a fire on a (I assume public) beach?

    ...Did it taste good?
    (2 votes)
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  • stelly blue style avatar for user Layla Castillo
    How would i be able to tell the difference between a chemical and physical reaction and how would i able to demonstrate it?
    (1 vote)
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  • stelly blue style avatar for user Layla Castillo
    How can you tell the difference between a chemical and physical reaction and how can you prove it?
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user georgehu052
    I wanted to correct Sal:
    When salt dissolves in water, it undergoes a physical change, not a chemical one. In this process, the salt breaks into its component ions, but the chemical structure of the salt (sodium chloride) does not change. The process is reversible, and the salt can be recovered through evaporation of the water, further indicating that it's a physical change.
    - ChatGPT
    (1 vote)
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    • leaf red style avatar for user Richard
      The dissolving of salt is a tricky case which could be interpreted as either a physical or chemical change.

      As a physical change you could argue that you begin with sodium and chloride ions in solid sodium chloride, and you end with sodium and chloride ions when they dissolve in water. So you end with the same chemical that you began with, and it’s almost like a phase change happened.

      As a chemical change you need the water molecules to break the ionic bonds of the solid sodium chloride and form new ion-dipole bonds. So on a molecular level, you are creating new bonds and therefore new chemicals. Additionally, solid sodium chloride behaves differently than dissolved sodium chloride, which is indicative of the two being different chemicals. For example, solid sodium chloride is a poor electrical conductor, but aqueous sodium chloride is an excellent electrical conductor because it is an electrolyte.

      So one could argue one way or the other. ChatGPT only knows so much since it essentially just does a quick internet search and packages the most relevant results back to you. But it’s not smart enough to evaluate that information like a human would be able to so often its results more complicated questions are wrong. So basing your understanding of a topic on what chatGPT says only gets you so far.
      (1 vote)

Video transcript

- [Instructor] So what we have are three different pictures of substances undergoing some type of change. And we're going to focus on in this video is classifying things as either being physical changes or chemical changes. And you might already have already thought about this or seen this in a previous science class. But when we talk about a physical change, we're talking about where there could be a change in properties but we're not having a change in the actual composition of what we're talking about, while in a chemical change you actually do have a change in composition, how the different constituent atoms and elements match up or connect or bond to each other might be different. So my first question to you is pause this video and we have some ice melting here. We have some propane combusting or burning here, and we have some iron rusting here. And I want you to think about which of these are physical changes, and which of these are chemical changes and why. All right, now let's first think about this water, this ice melting. And if we wanted to write it in fancy chemical language, or chemistry language, we could write this as H2O, going from its solid form to H2O going into its liquid form. Now, we don't have a change in composition, in either state whether you're looking at this liquid water here, or whether you're looking at the solid water there, you'll see a bunch of water molecules. Each oxygen is still bonded to two hydrogens. And so you're not having a change in composition. And so this over here is a physical, physical change. And if we kept heating that water up and it started to vaporize that would also be a physical change. Whereas it turns into water vapor. You have your intermolecular forces being overcome but the covalent bonds between the oxygens and the hydrogens, those aren't breaking or forming in some way. So once again, when you go from ice to water, physical change, from water to vapor or you could say from liquid to gas that is also going to be a physical change. One general rule of thumb when you think about what's going on on a microscopic level, and this is a general rule of thumb. It doesn't always apply. And we'll think about an edge case in a little bit is when you're overcoming intermolecular forces that tends to be a physical change. But if you have chemical bonds forming or breaking that would be a chemical change. Now let's think about what's going on here with the propane. If you were to write the chemical reaction here it would be propane C3H8 in gas form. It needs oxygen to combust. So for every mole of propane we have five moles of molecular oxygen in gas form. And then when it combusts you're going to produce three for every one mole of propane and five moles of molecular oxygen, you're gonna produce three moles of carbon dioxide gas and four moles of water in vapor form as well. And so what you actually have is the bonds in those molecules are actually breaking and then re forming. So you don't just have physical change going on here. You have chemical change, chemical change. One way to think about it. You had propane here before, C3 H8, after the reaction you no longer have the propane here. When you actually see as fire, which is fascinating. This is just very hot gas, and that very hot air that you're seeing, and there's gonna be some carbon dioxide in there and there's gonna be some water vapor in there. The reason why it's getting so hot is because this releases a lot of energy. Now let's think about what's going on here with this iron. If I were to write this as a chemical reaction, for every four moles of iron in solid form plus three moles of molecular oxygen in gas form, and that would just be the ambient oxygen around this iron. It is going to produce two moles of iron oxide as a solid and that's what you see there in the orange. That is the iron oxide. So notice this reaction is forming new ionic bonds in that ferrous oxide. And to undergo the reaction we had to break the metallic bonds of the solid iron and the covalent bonds in the molecular oxygen. So anytime we are breaking and making these chemical bonds we have a chemical change. Now, let me give you an interesting question. What about the dissolving of sodium chloride or table salt? So you have NaCl in its solid form, when you place it into water, you get sodium chloride in aqueous form. And how does that look when this happens? Well, sodium chloride in solid form, you know it forms this lattice because they have these ionic bonds. I'll try to draw a few of them. So it looks something like this, where we've seen this multiple times, chlorine nabs electrons becomes chloride, becomes negative. Sodium loses electron becomes a positive ion. And so they get attracted to each other and then they can form this three-dimensional lattice structure, when it is in solid form. And I'm trying my best to draw it in three dimensions over here. And actually I could put one right over here like this, but when you dissolve it into water the ions get split apart. You get the ions that all get dissolved, they get split apart in the water. And so the ionic bonds themselves are being broken. Now you could argue that, hey, you know the constituent ions are just being separated. So maybe this is a physical change or you could say, no, ionic bonds. Those are legit bonds. Those are strong bonds, and those are getting broken. And so you're also getting chemical change. And it actually turns out that this is a gray area when you're talking about dissolving a salt like this into water, whether you're talking about a physical change or you're talking about a chemical change. And actually just this past weekend, I was at the beach and we ran out of salt and I did this in reverse. I went to the ocean and I got a pot full of salt water. And it actually took me about 30 minutes to boil it. And I was able to evaporate all of the water out of it. And essentially the salt in that water was able to reform these ionic bonds. And so one could debate whether I was creating a physical or a chemical change. I was definitely doing a physical change with the water. I was evaporating it, but I was actually forming ionic bonds between the sodium and chloride. So one could argue that that was maybe a physical and a chemical change.