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Evaluating the argument

What Evidence-Based Steps Can We Take to Become Happier? Evaluate and discuss the argument presented in this video.
This lesson introduced you to a number of practices that have been empirically shown to increase emotional happiness. Which of the following practices are you most motivated to start doing (or do more of) to support your emotional happiness? What about it (or them) motivates you?
  1. Learning how to meditate (or meditating more often).
  2. Writing down a few things you’re grateful for at the end of every day.
  3. Significantly reducing the time you spend on social media.
  4. Making sure to get enough sleep and exercise on a regular basis.
  5. Going out of your way to be kinder to people around you.
  6. One of the other suggested activities from this lesson.
Take the next step and find out more about the happiness practices discussed in this lesson. Then choose one and try it out for a month to see if you feel any happier.
You can even get scientific about it. Take the PANAS questionnaire before starting your experiment. Take it again at the end, and compare your before and after scores to see if doing the practice made any difference.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll enjoy the practice and want to keep it going—or feel motivated to try out another one!
And, as always, share these ideas and experiences with a friend, and be ready to learn from their experiences too!

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