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Animation: Armor

These stop-motion films made by our 7–12-year-old animators at the second annual #MetKids Animation Lab, explore the theme "The Met, Inside Out.".

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Good School present An original film from The #metkids animation lab Armor of Infante Luis Prince of Asturias Jean Drouart, dated 1712 ♪ (Upbeat music) ♪ ♪ (battle music) ♪ <i>The Knight at Night.</i> Once upon a time, there was a five year old king that was stuck in glass. He broke out. He ran to the medieval room. He was wearing his armor. The horses were going very fast and he sees a battle. The knights were wearing armor and one lost his sword. The battle scared the little king so he ran off. A magical ladder appears and he climbs up to get a flag as a blanky. He leaves the museum to play some football. He thinks his shiny armor looks like the football players' jerseys. The football players trample him and the little king cries for mommy. He is only five, after all. ♪ (battle music) ♪ What will you make?