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Strategies for effective implementation Khan Academy

Different ways of using Khan Academy assignments in Class

Model 1: Teach, Assign and Practice

  • You can teach the topic and introduce the concept to students as per your plan or syllabus. Based on the availability of the infrastructure in your school, you can either use videos available on Khan Academy to teach the topic or you can continue the way you normally teach.
  • After you introduce the concept to students, you can then assign a specific Khan Academy exercise aligned with the topic that has been taught.
  • The students then take time in class to practice Khan Academy exercises.

Model 2: Use Khan Academy for homework assignments

  • You can teach a topic in the classroom, and practice the exercises in the textbooks as you would normally do.
  • Then assign the Khan Academy content to the students as homework assignments. Students can complete the assignments at home and master the exercises before they come to class.
  • You can then review the scores of the students and select the skills/topic where students need more support. You can then re-teach or clarify doubts in your next class.

Model 3: Use Khan Academy for remediation/revision during exams

  • You can assign content as per the needs of the students.
  • You can then identify one day a week for the student to work on their assigned topics to fill the gaps in their understanding.
  • Similarly for revision, you can assign a mix of new and older skills or exercises so that students are constantly reviewing old topics while also learning new ones.
  • Meanwhile as a teacher you will receive regular progress reports on the platform.

Student motivation with Khan Academy

Using learnstorm tracker to celebrate

Celebrate class progress with the LearnStorm tracker. The tracker is available year-round and captures a broad range of student activity.
It tracks the progress for all mastery-enabled courses where students level up skill mastery in Assignments or Course Mastery Goals.

Using 3 before me strategy

Celebrating student effort and success

  • Make time to celebrate with your students as they progress and reach goals.
  • Keep rewards small, and focus on things you are willing to give repeatedly (stationary, stars, books etc)
  • Make sure students know what specific behaviour is being rewarded.
  • Focus rewards more on effort and less on results.

Promoting collaboration in class

  • Find ways for students to work together toward common goals and support each other in making progress. Make buddy groups or group leaders who can support other students. Additionally, it gives students a chance to showcase their leadership abilities.
  • Provide opportunities to develop student leadership. Mentoring the group to complete the tasks, problem solving in case of any challenges.
  • Rewards student efforts when they support each other. Best group leader/buddy awards every week. material. All the topics that are required to be refreshed/mastered for the FAs & SAs. You will also have to reserve at least 1 day to implement this model in class.

Student Engagement with Khan Academy

Teacher & Student collaboration

Spend some time working with students to set measurable, achievable goals—both long and short-term. Encourage students to be part of the goal-setting process by working with their teacher to set high goals that still feel achievable. One key to supporting students' goal-setting skills is to explain how achieving each smaller goal is a step towards reaching the greater goal of mastery.

Incorporate peer learning

  • In order for us to be able to create an effective learning environment we must ensure that our students work collaboratively, not competitively. Find ways for students to work together toward common goals and support each other in making progress.
  • Make buddy groups or group leaders who can support other students. Additionally, it gives students a chance to showcase their leadership abilities.
  • Provide opportunities to students to discuss, evaluate, explain and present solutions, concepts or topics.

Use of refresher and ice breaker activities during teaching to make learning fun

  • Use refresh prompts as a warm-up before Khan class starts.
  • Refresh is a collection of 5-minute classroom activities that provides a breath of fresh air, and helps students arrive on time, ready to go (online or face to face)
  • Refresh prompts provide you with an opportunity to strengthen relationships, by having students select the daily prompt with you, lead the discussion or activity, and share their responses with each other.
We hope you are trying out the activities suggested. Share your feedback here.

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