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Khan Academy - Implementation models

Khan Academy - Implementation models

Khan Academy - Implementation Models

In this article we have mentioned some models for using Khan Academy with your students. Please note that these are a few models that are being used around the world. It will always be you as a teacher who will decide what is best for your classroom.

Model 1- Teach, Assign and Practice

In this model, teachers use Khan Academy as a regular practice tool to strengthen students' conceptual understanding and practice in school. This model would require students to have access to devices during the class.
Given below is how you can implement this in the classroom.

Before the lesson

You can spend 5-10 minutes identifying the relevant assignment, then assign relevant articles, videos and exercises to your entire class. We recommend you assign the content in such a way that students spend at least 30 min of practice on Khan Academy as we have seen it making a significant impact on student learning.

During the lesson

Introduction to a new concept: You can either Teach/introduce the new concept yourself or you may find it helpful to introduce new concepts by sharing and discussing Khan Academy videos with the entire class.
Guided and Independent Practice: Students then move on to practicing the exercises that they had assigned based on the topic that has been taught. Most of the students complete 1 required exercise. Some students complete the 2nd exercise. If the students get stuck on the first exercise they can view a hint or watch a video to review the concept.
After the work session, you might notice that one problem was answered correctly by just 7 out of 20 students. The class can spend several minutes discussing that problem, with students discussing the correct solution in groups and also brainstorming why it may have been the most challenging problem.

After the lesson

You look through the report one more time to see if any other trends stand out. If your students scored 70% or higher, you might decide to move on to a new concept to practice in the next class.
If your students scored below 70%, then you might decide to use more time to continue practicing this concept in a subsequent class.
But what can we do with the students who struggled and need additional support? Let's find that in our second model.

Model 2- Use Khan Academy for remediation

As teachers, we all know our students come at all different learning levels. Many of us would have found at least some students in our classroom who need remediation of topics previously taught in lower grades.
In this model, you can use Khan Academy to assign a bundle of topics as per your remediation plan.
  1. You can identify the topics your students need to practice the most and search for aligned content on Khan Academy.
  2. You can then assign several resources and exercises once every 1-2 weeks based on what the student needs to work on. For example, this may include five videos, two articles, and five exercises. (Students have at least one class period to complete the assignments, either in class, in a school computer lab, or at home. Students are expected to complete the assignments within the specified due date.
  3. During the time period while students are working on assignments, you can monitor to see if they should offer extra class/re-teaching the topic or build extra time for doubt-clearing sessions on topics where students are struggling.
As remediation is usually over and above our grade-level content. Teachers can identify one day a week for the student to work on their assigned topics to fill in gaps in their understanding.

Model 3- Assign a mix of new and older skills (used during exam time)

Throughout our academic year we find ourselves in the events of various exams, FAs & SAs where we have to teach our ongoing syllabus but at the same time review/test students on previous topics that we have taught.
This model can be most helpful for teachers during these events where they need to focus on both ongoing and recently taught topics of teaching.

Before lesson

Well before FAs & SAs, you will need to spend 30-45 minutes browsing resources and assigning review material. All the topics that are required to be refreshed/mastered for the FAs & SAs. You will also have to reserve at least 1 day to implement this model in class.

During lesson

  • After taking attendance or any other beginning-of-class procedures, you can take the class to the computer lab or have students open devices in class to practice their assigned review topics on Khan Academy.
  • Students work independently to complete their assignments.
  • You may spend time giving small-group instruction to a group of students who need more support. You can also ask the students who have already mastered the content to support this small group (this will also give you time to monitor activity tab)
  • During the last five minutes of class, the teacher does a quick scan of assignment completion and asks students to complete a reflection on their assignments for the day. (ex: which topic did you find most challenging, and what did you do when you were feeling stuck?
  • You can keep the due date aligned with the FAs/SAs.
Please note students can keep practicing both in-school and at home.

Model 4- Use Khan Academy as a homework assignment

In this model, teachers use Khan Academy as a frequent source for homework assignments. Checking homework assignments is faster and more convenient than traditional paper homework assignments. Students can complete Khan Academy homework assignments on computers or on mobile devices by downloading the most recent version of the Khan Academy app.
There are 2 variations of this model

Variation 1:

  1. You can teach a topic in the classroom, and practice the exercises in the textbooks as you would normally do.
  2. Then assign the content to the students as homework assignments. Students can complete the assignments at home and master the exercises before they come to class.
  3. You can re-teach the topic or clarify doubts about the questions/skills where students need more support.

Variation 2:

  1. You can assign Khan Academy videos and articles primarily for before class. Students have to complete these assignments at home before they come to class.
  2. When students enter the class prepared to discuss the topic to make learning more engaging. You can use this model to build critical thinking skills and free up more class time for the application/practice of topics.
  3. Students then practice an exercise together in class.
A detailed version of variation 2 will be explored in Khan For Educators - Advanced course, under Flipped classroom.

We recommend that

  1. You ensure your students get at least 30-45 mins per week practice time.
  2. You should check students' progress and activity regularly so that you can identify the model that will work best in your class and implement it.
  3. You can always come back to this lesson and try some other model to implement in your class as well.

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