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Using Khan Academy’s mastery progress reports

How to access and use Khan Academy's mastery progress reports with students.
As a teacher, you can access progress reports for any Course or Unit Mastery goal students are working on. The Progress reports show the percentage of mastery completion at the course and unit levels.

Understanding mastery goal progress reports

The Progress reports show a few key pieces of information for the class.
  • Course Mastery goal progress: This is the total amount of mastery progress each student in the class has made toward overall Course Mastery.
  • Unit Mastery goal progress: This is the total amount of mastery progress each student in the class has made toward mastering their goal for each unit.
Note: You need first to assign a mastery goal to the class in order for the Progress tab to be accessible.
To view the progress details of your students' Mastery Goals, follow these steps:
  1. Log into your Khan Academy account and select "Teacher Dashboard" from the dropdown list under your name in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Select the class you want to view Mastery Goal progress for.
  3. Click the "Progress" option on the left-hand navigation menu.
  4. In the "Progress" section, you'll see a dropdown menu at the top. Select "Course Mastery" or "Unit Mastery" from the dropdown menu.
  5. Click on the details for each student. It shows the percentage of mastery each student has achieved for the course or unit you've assigned.

Monitoring and supporting student mastery goals on Khan Academy

Monitoring your students' progress towards mastery goals on Khan Academy is a crucial part of your teaching process. It allows you to track each student's progress, pinpoint areas of strength and weakness, and adjust your instruction accordingly. This ongoing assessment ensures that the learning process is personalized and effective, catering to each student's unique learning needs.
Establishing a routine for monitoring this data can be beneficial for you. For instance, you might choose to review progress data at the end of each week, allowing you to adjust the following week's instruction based on the insights gained. Additionally, setting aside time during class for students to work towards their mastery goals can provide an opportunity for you to provide real-time feedback and assistance.
If a student is significantly behind their goal, it's important to approach the situation with understanding and support. You could set up one-on-one meetings, sometimes called data chats, to discuss their progress. During this meeting, you could ask about their challenges and provide targeted resources or strategies to help them catch up. It is suggested that you use the Skills Report to gain insights into the specific skills in which students need support, but it is also critical to engage in conversation with the student to get their insights and opinions. For example, you might suggest they spend extra time on specific Khan Academy exercises or lessons that align with their areas of struggle. Remember to reassure them that everyone learns at their own pace and it's okay to take extra time to understand a concept fully.
On the other hand, if a student is significantly ahead of their goal, it's crucial to acknowledge their hard work and progress. You could provide them with more challenging content to keep them engaged and learning at their pace. For instance, you might assign them advanced Khan Academy lessons or suggest they start working on the next unit or course. It's also a good idea to encourage them to help their peers, which can reinforce their understanding and build leadership skills.
In both cases, it's essential to maintain open communication and provide personalized guidance based on each student's needs and progress. Remember, the goal is to complete the course and achieve a deep understanding of the content.

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