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Using Khan Academy's skills report

How to access and use Khan Academy's Skills report with students.
After creating mastery goals for your students, it’s important to regularly check their progress. Monitoring student progress allows you to celebrate student successes, provide additional support when needed, and meet the unique needs of each student.
As a teacher, you can use the Skills report to check skill-level progress for any mastery-enabled course on Khan Academy.

Understanding the Skills report

The image above shows the level of mastery that each student achieved with respect to each skill:
  • Students got fewer than 70% of the questions correct on an exercise.
  • Or, students missed a question on a quiz, unit test, course challenge, or mastery challenge.
  • Students got 70% or more of the questions correct on an exercise.
  • Or, students correctly answered a question on a quiz, unit test, course challenge, or mastery challenge.
  • Students got 100% of the questions correct on an exercise.
  • Or, students were already at the familiar mastery level and correctly answered a question on a quiz, unit test, course challenge, or mastery challenge.
  • Students were already at the proficient mastery level and correctly answered a question on a unit test, course challenge, or mastery challenge.
Not Started
  • Students haven’t worked on this skill yet.
Note: Students at the Attempted level may be struggling with the given skill. Teachers often recommend encouraging students at this level to review the video explaining the skill and to retry the exercise. You can create an assignment for the skill right from the Skills report by clicking the Assign this skill button on the right side. (Learn more on creating assignments here.)

Accessing the Skills report

First, navigate to the Teacher dashboard and select the class whose Skills report you want to view.
Then select the Activity overview from the left side navigation to open the report seen below.
From the Activity overview report, select the Skills tab on the top.
From this Skills report screen, select the course you want to view from the dropdown menu.
Note: You will only see courses you’ve added to the selected class. You can update the courses at any time in the class settings.
Expand any unit by clicking the unit name or the arrow to the left of the unit name to view the skills in that unit.
You can now see a quick overview of your students’ progress on each skill. Hover over any skill bar to see how many students belong to each mastery level for that skill.
By clicking the skill name or the arrow to the left of the skill name, you can expand the skill to see (1) the Common Core standards included in this skill, (2) a link to view the exercise on this skill, (3) the names of the students currently at each mastery level, and (4) an Assign button to create an assignment for this skill (Learn more on creating assignments here.)
If you hover over the link to view the exercise on this skill, you’ll be shown a sample problem from the exercise. If you click the View exercise link, you’ll be taken directly to the student view of the exercise for this skill.
By clicking on the name of an individual student, you can access that student’s Activity log. (Learn more about the Individual student activity log here

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  • blobby green style avatar for user Lauren Vitti
    Is there somewhere I can see skills progress by individual student - rather than looking at skills and seeing the full list of students & their standing?
    (9 votes)
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  • starky sapling style avatar for user Joesaurus
    I'm trying to use Khan Academy to learn higher-level math as an independent learner. I am interested in the different calculus courses, but I am aware there may be some overlap (especially between AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC). Are the skills in each course completely different, or if two courses happen to share a skill, will the mastery be retained across courses?
    (1 vote)
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    • blobby blue style avatar for user Prof. Parmigiano Reggiano
      Hi @Joesaurus! I am also an independent learner. I have noticed in lower-level mathematics courses and other courses here on Khan Academy, that skills usually do transfer across courses. This seems to be the case for AP®/College Calculus AB and AP®/College Calculus BC courses as well. From what I can tell, if a video appears in multiple courses, you get credit for the video universally on Khan Academy, wherever that video appears in any course. Quizzes and Unit Tests, on the other hand, are unique to different courses and lessons. So if you have already covered much of a lesson's material in other courses, the videos and exercises may appear finished when you begin the lesson, but the quizzes and unit tests are not attempted. Hope this helps!
      (2 votes)
  • winston baby style avatar for user π
    How do I check it if i'm a student?
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Jennifer peterson
    Is there a placement test that would indicate to a teacher at which grade level a student should be working?
    (1 vote)
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    • stelly blue style avatar for user Evan Lewis
      Khan Academy does not have an all-encompassing placement test to determine a learner's grade level. However, one option is to have students complete the Course Challenge for each grade level below their current grade level. This will help you to identify skills the students struggle with, and it will give them mastery credit for skills they have already mastered.
      (1 vote)
  • leaf green style avatar for user ccollins
    I see that goals are for common core. Texas does use common core we use TEKS. Are there courses aligned with Texas TEKS?
    (1 vote)
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