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Number line

The student moves a dot along a linear number line to specific number values or to display an inequality.
  • “min and max x” range: integers, decimals, proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed fractions are available using the different label styles below.
  • The correct answer can be an equality or inequality.
  • “label style”: Decimal, improper fractions, and mixed numbers label only the min and max values. You can change the two values that are labeled in the two “Labels” inputs. Currently, you can label two points or all points but no other configurations (requests for improvement are in).
  • “Show label ticks” labels each tick mark.
  • The number of ticks is set by either ‘Num divisions’: total number of tick marks or “Tick step”: A tick mark is placed at this interval.
  • “Show tick controller’ allows the user to set the number of tick marks.
  • “Snap increments per tick”: The number of increments between each tick is determined. The more increments between each tick, the harder the question is to answer. 2 is generally a good snap increment, this will have the dot snap to each tick and half way between each tick mark. Ensure the required number of snap increments is provided to answer the question. Don’t do this:
The correct answer is 1, but the closest choices are 0 or 2 since the ticks are located every 2 numbers, and the dot in snapping to each tick.
  • For inequalities, use the “Switch direction” and “Make circle open/filled” options in the preview window to adjust the image the student will be presented with.

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