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Multiple choice

Note that you can click “randomize answer order” so that students see the choices in different orders. If you include a “None of the above” choice, don’t click “randomize answer choices.” (Eventually we’ll have a way to randomize all choices except the final one, but we don’t have that yet).
Don’t label choices or refer to choices as A) or “the first choice” in hints so that we can randomize them without needing new hints.
For true/false questions the answer is presented as True or False in that order, and do NOT select randomize answer order.
Multiple select: You can also create multiple select questions (in which students must choose >1 answer from a list) by adding choices through “multiple choice” and clicking “allow multiple selections.”
  • You can also select “Specify number correct” to show user how many answer choices are correct (e.g., Select 3….)
None of the above: Use this only if the options are on their own line, otherwise “none of the above” might not actually be above the other options.

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