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Empires in India


Before answering the question below, revisit this passage from the article:
"After gaining power, Chandragupta II expanded the Gupta Empire through conquest and political marriages until the end of his reign in 413 CE. By 395 CE, his control over India extended coast-to-coast. Just like Ashoka, Chandragupta II made Pataliputra the capital of his empire and centralized the government there. He used tribute money from allies to fund government projects and salaries. Unlike Ashoka, Chandragupta did not rely on a network of spies or closely monitor the affairs of foreigners or allies. Instead, he let regions make their own decisions about administration and local governance.
Some scholars have argued that the Gupta empire was a “golden age” of India. The empire was marked by peace and public safety, and scholars flourished in this environment. Kalidasa, a poet of the time, is considered the greatest poet and dramatist of the Sanskrit language; Aryabhata was the first of the Indian mathematician-astronomers who worked on the approximation for Pi; and Vishnu Sharma is thought to be the author of the Panchatantra fables, one of the most widely-translated non-religious books in history."
What might be one disadvantage of an emperor letting regions make their own decisions about how they govern themselves?
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