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Lesson summary: Ancient Persia

Overview of the Achaemenid Empire in Persia.

Key Terms

Achaemenid DynastyPersian ruling dynasty established by Cyrus the Great
Darius the Greata general who succeeded Cyrus’s son and became one of the most powerful rulers of the empire, extending Persian rule to its greatest extent
Persepolisthe imperial capital city Darius constructed; means “city of the Persians” in Greek
satrapya province of the Persian Empire; Darius the Great reorganized the empire by dividing it into satrapies and appointing a political governor, or satrap, for each province
Royal Roadhighway completed during Darius’s reign, used for trade and to transmit information quickly
Behistun inscriptionstone slab carved with an inscription along a road between the capitals of Media and Babylonia during the reign of Darius I; this inscription recorded the history of the Persian kings in three languages: Elamite, Babylonian, and Old Persian.
Zoroastrianisma major religion practiced in the Achaemenid Empire, Zoroastrians believed in a supreme god, Ahura Mazda, and probably influenced later monotheistic religions
Human figures and text carved into a gray rock formation
The Behistun Inscription was commissioned by Darius the Great to commemorate Persian leaders and was written in three languages. Image credit: Wikimedia.

Key dates

c.550 BCEfounding of Achaemenid Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great
532 BCE—486 BCEreign of Darius the Great
c.499 BCE—449 BCEGreco-Persian Wars, ongoing conflicts between Greek city-states and Persian Empire
330 BCEAlexander the Great claimed title of Persian Emperor, ending the Achaemenid Dynasty

Key Themes

State building: Rulers created new governing institutions and practices, especially as empires grew. Darius the Great established a centralized government with a standardized currency and installed satraps, or local governors, that reported directly to him. He also built a road system and established a spy network to keep up with events across his large empire.
Economics: Empires found ways to improve economic activities. Under the reign of Darius, the Royal Road was constructed. This large highway facilitated trade and fast communication. Also, Darius introduced a standard currency, which made trade and collection of taxes easier.

Review questions

  • What were three ways in which Darius the Great changed the way the Persian Empire was governed?
  • What were two benefits of the Royal Road? What were two benefits of standardized currency?
  • How were the methods used by Persian rulers to control their empire similar or different to methods used by other imperial rulers?

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