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Background information for writing practice

Background information for this unit’s writing practice

The writing exercises in this unit are all about an assignment that an imaginary student, named Olivia, is working on.
You don’t need to do the whole same writing task as Olivia yourself! To complete the exercises, you need to put yourself in Olivia’s shoes as she works through the task, and answer questions to help her make the best choices.

Task description

Olivia's teacher has asked her to write a paper about someone that she believes has a strong growth mindset.
Here's the assignment sheet her teacher handed out:

Writing task: research, write, revise, and edit a short
Subject: A person with a strong growth mindset
1) Four paragraphs: an introduction paragraph, two body (main) paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph
2) Include basic information about your subject (where they were born, their early life, their job).
3) Include challenges your subject faced and how he or she responded to the challenges.
4) Don't forget to edit for spelling, word choice, and punctuation!
Step 1: Research a topic and organize information
Step 2: Write your first draft
Step 3: Revise your first draft
Step 4: Edit your second draft

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