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What does money have to do with getting married?

Marriage is both a romantic and financial union. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page regarding spending and financial goals.

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  • starky tree style avatar for user Abigail Greig
    This one left me a bit put out. I would have preferred that he simply presented the different options without being quite so clearly biased against anything but the way he and his wife choose to do things. :(

    Does anyone know of a source outside of Khan that would be a more in-depth study of personal finance, but still accessible to those of us (and our kids) that just need the how-to's of basic finance management and understanding? :)
    (22 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user angelithea2018
    Hi! I'm glad you've made these videos, but when do you talk about financial abuse and what is NOT appropriate financial behavior? Some examples are one spouse running up large amounts of debt in a shared account, or stealing a spouses identity. Young people should know what they should do, but also what shouldn't happen.
    (14 votes)
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  • leafers seedling style avatar for user capria battle
    When will the actual learning is supposed to happen
    (2 votes)
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    • female robot ada style avatar for user Tina Abernathy
      Well, the idea is that this subject is aimed at high school, grad, or young adults. And believe it or not, most young adults have no idea how to live haha.

      If your parents up and left you alone for 6 months, would you have this knowledge? Would you know how to calculate your personal cost of living? Would you know to plan everything out? Or, would you (and most teenagers/young adults) blow all your money hanging out with your friends, buying that new gaming console or phone?

      Could you survive with no one else helping you with money? If you think you could, that's great. But sadly, most teens THINK they can, but then struggle the moment the move out.

      These are just words of wisdom. Try to learn from them and think about them in your life.
      (11 votes)
  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user cupcakegirl2015
    In and so on until you talk about a, uh, shopper and a spender type relationship. I want to know what to, like, do in that situation, how do I handle it and so on. What if I'm a spender and my spouse is a saver? How should I try to lessen the amount of money that I spend, and stop the impulses of splurging? If my spouse is a spender and I am a saver, how should I confront this situation? Do I talk to them about it all at once, or is it more a little-by-little, then pounce onto the money issues? What if we're both spenders? If my spouse realizes first, then how should we handle it together?
    (5 votes)
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    • aqualine sapling style avatar for user Noah Carson
      well when it comes to saver and spender relationships its good to talk to one another it doesnt matter who found out first, you need to work together to figure out a money plan that works for you both that why he is by your side, if your spouse loves you like he said he did in his vows he would love you through sickness, health and wealth, the point of this class is to get you ready for the challenges you'll be faced with while getting married, if this helped please reply your feedback! UwU
      (1 vote)
  • blobby green style avatar for user DAVIDW
    Marriage is a romantic and financial union. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to spending, saving, and other financial goals.
    (3 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user JakaleyE
    why should I even invest is this going to help me when it comes to my saving account?.
    (2 votes)
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  • boggle purple style avatar for user Felisha
    yall now iam just 13 and iam learning this MARRIED BRUH😅😟😳
    (2 votes)
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  • aqualine seed style avatar for user avainadomdamian
    im only 13 and i want to learn about finances and save monney and i really want a job and to be well educated since im homeschooled and way behind... is this topic for kids? if its not can yall make one for kids? pleaseee
    (2 votes)
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  • piceratops sapling style avatar for user Justin Schaefer
    When I get married why would I save or attempt to save more money even though I have enough money already?
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user dk
    me who wants to buy a nice phone and i have 3 times the money i should spend for random stuff, but im scared to spend it.
    (1 vote)
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Video transcript

- So most of us consider marriage to be primarily a romantic decision, and it is a very important one. This is the person that you're gonna, and it's definitely, it should be about romance, but it's also a very important life decision. This is the person you're gonna spend your life with. But it's also a very important financial decision, because you're going to live with this person. And you need to be clear on, that you have similar financial priorities. If one partner, you know, is kinda spendthrift and wants to, you know, not save a lot or whatever, and the other one does, well, that could lead to issues in the marriage. It could get in the way of familial happiness once the honeymoon period kind of wanes a little bit. So I think it's very important with your future partner to make sure that you have similar financial values. And I would encourage those financial values to be live below your means, use money not as a tool to buy luxury goods, to kind of show off, but money as a tool to give you freedom if you want to start a business, or take a vacation, or have retirement. Or if, God forbid, you have something in your life that is a hard time, someone falls sick, and someone else might have to take time off of work to take care of them, that you have some savings, so that that doesn't become even more stressful than it needs to. And then, once you actually get married, there's even other, it's really a merger of your finances. And I've seen different variations, you know. Me and my wife, everything we do, it's together. You know, our bank account, same bank account. Credit cards, our house, it's in both of our names. I like it that way, you know, this is my life partner, we should be making decisions about everything together. But there's other people who do other variations. I know some couples that, they'll have a shared account, but then they each have kind of smaller, separate accounts where, you know, hey, if I want to buy that nice, you know, electronic gadget or that nice piece of clothing, yeah, I don't need to have oversight there. (laughs) So I've heard of that, but you know, ideally, your spouse doesn't mind you buying a little this or that, as long as it's responsible. And then, I know there's other couples that have completely separate finances, and it's a little bit more like roommates. Like, you cover the electric bill and I'll cover the mortgage, and you cover the car payment and whatever else. These are all things I've seen, but the one I live, and it's worked well for us, is the one where we just do, merge everything together.