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Mini MCAT passage: Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone


Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is a known phenomenon among patients who sustain head injuries or other central nervous system disturbances. The brain releases an inappropriately high amount of ADH, causing the patient to retain an excessive amount of water. These individuals can develop benign symptoms such as tremor and nausea or even more severe effects such as seizures or coma.
A nephrologist is interested in developing a novel drug that can treat patients with SIADH by targeting the mechanisms involved in ADH secretion. She hypothesizes that an alcohol-based therapeutic holds potential to treat patients with SIADH because ethanol is known to block ADH release in the brain. She decides to conduct a multi-center study to compare the use of a new alcohol-based therapeutic to a competitive antagonist, Conivaptan, in the treatment of SIADH. Her study subjects include 4,000 prison inmates across the Southern United States who consent to being enrolled in the study. In the event SIADH is diagnosed, half will be treated with this novel drug while the other half will receive Conivaptan.
How does Conivaptan affect the action of ADH?
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