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The author's purpose 2


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Image source: "Astronauts" by skeeze is licensed under Pixabay
Astronauts eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Some foods can be taken into space just the way they are. Some foods cannot go into space at all. And some foods just need to be repacked! Taking the water out of foods before they go into space saves room. Astronauts add water to the food just before they eat it. Astronauts take a knife, a fork, and a spoon to eat their meals, and a pair of scissors to open the food packages. The scissors are one of the most important items. The crew could not eat without them!
One purpose for this passage is to teach us about how eating in space can be difficult.
Which sentence shows the biggest challenge of bringing food into space?
Choose 1 answer:
Source: Excerpt from NASA