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Reviewing your SAT practice test

Welcome to your SAT practice test review on Khan Academy


You completed a full-length practice test!
We're super glad you're here to dig deeper into the questions and answers from the test—along the way, we'll share some top tips to help you improve your score.

How to use this resource

We recommend that you keep this browser tab open next to the tab with your test results on the College Board site.
Go back and forth from College Board to Khan Academy, and review the questions you missed!
Some top-scoring students like to try the questions they missed again without looking at the answers—you can do that here, then reveal the answer one choice at a time.
Then, click Explain to check out our extended explanations.
Next, you can click through to a full tutorial about the question type, including videos and articles. If the mood strikes you, you can practice similar questions right inside the lesson.
Finally, be sure to check out the entirety of our digital SAT prep course.

You've got this!

Stick with it!
The more time you spend looking carefully at the questions you missed, watching example videos and reading up on the specific strategies you can use for each question type, the stronger your SAT muscles will grow—we promise!

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