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Weave on a mini loom

Learn how to weave yarn on a mini cardboard loom.

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art #metkids create Supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies Weave on a Mini Loom Use cardboard, yarn, scissors, tape, and needle. Cut evenly-spaced slits along two opposite edges. Tape the yarn on the back. Thread the yarn down and around the front and back of the loom until all the slits are used. Cut and tape the end of the yarn on the back. This is the <i>warp</i>. Next, thread the yarn through a needle. Start to weave the <i>weft</i> under the first warp on the left and over the second warp then under and over. Pull the weft yarn all the way through. Leave a tail on the left side. Loop the needle under the last warp on the right then over and under in the opposite direction. Push the second row of weft tightly against the first. Continue to weave the weft back and forth. When you're ready to change the color, leave a tail. Begin the new weft color where you left off Add as many colors as you like. Once you fill the loom cut the last row of weft yarn, leaving a tail. Thread the tails into the looped ends of the weft. Now, remove the tape from the back. Cut the warp in the middle. Turn the loom to the front. Pull two adjacent warp yarns from the slits. Knot them together. Repeat with each pair of warp yarns. Remove your weaving from the loom. Get inspired by The 'Simonetti' Carpet, ca. 1500. Diana and Actaeon from a set of Ovid's Metamorphoses designed before 1680, woven late 17th-early 18th century. Manufacture National des Gobelins. YOUR TURN