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Continue Weekly Activity #2

Created in collaboration with PERTS, a leading Stanford University research center.
We all have moments when we’re trying to learn something and get frustrated.
At one time or another, most people have said things like “I can’t do this” or “I’ll never get this” or “I just wasn’t born to do this.”
This mindset is called the Fixed Mindset or––believing that you’re born with a limited type or amount of talent or intelligence and that you can’t change it, even if you practice.
But like we learned in Weekly Activity #1, these fixed mindset ideas aren’t true!
Your intelligence is not fixed, your brain is like a muscle, the more you exercise it the stronger it gets. With practice, you can learn new things!
This fixed mindset can get in the way when we're learning. Thankfully, there's also another type of mindset that we know exists called the Growth Mindset.
You can start using the growth mindset to conquer the fixed mindset by doing something as simple as changing the words you say out loud or even the things you think in your head. For example, look at the phrases below:
Try it yourself! Match the growth mindset phrases to the fixed mindset phrases below. If you need help, use the image above!

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