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Weekly Activity #1 Highlighted Submissions

Highlighted Submissions from Weekly Activity #1

1. The power of mindset:
I struggled a LOT with football. Football was a very common sport, that everybody at school played. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch or throw the football. Everybody at school used to make fun at me. I persevered, with still no luck. I kept on trying, but it still didn't work. I realized that I should probably ask someone on how to catch a football, I needed an expert. I asked my older brother and he was happy to help. We went in the backyard and had hours of practice. After a few days of practice I could finally catch the football! This showed me I could really learn something with help and practice.
When you think you can learn then your brain gets stronger and study shows that you have a better chance for increasing your intelligence. When you don't think you can get smarter and you give up, your brain won't grow.
I struggled a LOT with football. Football was a very common sport, that everybody at school played. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch or throw the football. Everybody at school used to make fun at me. I persevered, with still no luck. I kept on trying, but it still didn't work. I realized that I should probably ask someone on how to catch a football, I needed an expert. I asked my older brother and he was happy to help. We went in the backyard and had hours of practice. After a few days of practice I could finally catch the football! This showed me I could really learn something with help and practice.
When you think you can learn then your brain gets stronger and study shows that you have a better chance for increasing your intelligence. When you don't think you can get smarter and you give up, your brain won't grow.

2. Creating new pathways in the brain:
When was in second grade i struggled with subtraction.
When my brain was used to going in one direction, for a new thought it struggled to move in a new direction.

3. Learning Irish:
My brain when I'm learning Irish.

4. Training your brain:
I am a competitive gymnast and struggled to get a skill on beam called a back walk over flip flop on beam.

5. Practice:
In tennis, I had been struggling to perfect my volley. Before, I wasn't ever able to hit it with the right amount of skill. I tried to avoid it, because it was hard. But my coach told me to keep trying. I practiced it in lessons, matches and even went over the technique in my head. Even after I got frustrated with how I was doing, I continued to try. Now, all that hard work has payed off! My volley is one of my best shots.

6. Fail forward:
When we first started inequalities it was kind of confusing, though when we really started getting into the harder problems I started to understand.

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