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Continue Weekly Activity #4

We rarely get to see all the hustle and practice that it takes for a person to master a skill.
The success of professional athletes, musicians, and even family members or classmates sometimes seems effortless. But that's just because their hustle is usually hidden from view–– we're already seeing them once they have reached a level of success–– that doesn't mean it's not there!
The 49ers players from the video we just watched are great examples of that. They are elite athletes who are now playing at the highest level of their sport, and they had to hustle to get there.  They are living proof that reaching your goals takes effort and that you might experience failure along the way. They are examples of great Hustle Role Models.
In this week's activity, it's your job to create your own Hustle Role Model!
You can interview a friend, family member, or teacher, do research online, or use your imagination to create your Hustle Role Model. To learn more about what your role model had to go through in order to overcome any challenges they faced, ask or create answers to the following questions:
  • Describe a time when you wanted to quit but didn’t.
  • Tell me about a goal that you set but had a hard time reaching.
  • Describe a time when you failed but kept working toward a goal.

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