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Begin Weekly Activity #5

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- [Voiceover] Everyone tells you learning's important, but sometimes it's frustrating and straight up hard. Before you learn anything, you gotta get in the zone and work on building the right mindset. There's two ways to think about it, a growth mindset and a fixed mindset. A growth mindset is where you think of your brain as something that can grow. You can expand, stretch and build it up, kinda like working out a muscle. The heavier you lift, the stronger you get. And yo, if you work out enough, you can get so strong you can like, move cars like a super hero or at least carry in the groceries. But the idea is a growth mindset thinks of failure as a step toward growth, not as an ending. A fixed mindset is where you think you can't get any smarter. Like your brain can't grow, or that no matter how much effort you put in, your intelligence has a limit. It's when you think people have fixed levels of intelligence, and that you can't go past a certain point. Everyone's been there. When you've tried to learn something and hit a wall. Or when you've struggled so much with something, you're convinced you're bad at it and could never get any better. But yo, that's where having a growth mindset changes the game, cause it's all about the idea that you can learn anything. No one's born smart, but the more you do things that take you outside your comfort zone, the easier it gets and the more you learn. So don't be discouraged by never having gotten something at first. Remember, everyone started from the bottom, even Drake. ♫ Started from the bottom now we're here ♫ Whether it's learning how to play an instrument, programming to make a video game, learning how to spit lyrics in a rap battle, or even doing math, it all takes hustle. And to make it anywhere, you gotta keep on grinding. Having a growth mindset and really embracing the idea that you can do anything helps you be more chill toward learning. Cause you stop fearing not being able to do something, and just do it. But developing a growth mindset doesn't happen over night. It's a process that involves re-wiring how you think about learning. It's not really something you can turn on or off. It's something you develop over time. Just like anything, it takes practice, it takes hustle. When it comes to learning on Khan Academy, you can go at your own pace, where getting something wrong is part of the process. You get mad props for getting something right, but struggling along the way is how you know you're pushing yourself. So next time you're learning on Khan Academy or in class or wherever, challenge yourself to build your growth mindset. ♫ Started from the bottom now we're here ♫