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Exploration questions: biodiversity distribution patterns

Grab your notebook or computer and write out your answer to each of the following questions. Then compare your answer to the suggested answer found in the “Answers to the exploration questions” document. Have fun! Hint: the information needed to answer these questions can be found in the videos and articles.
1. In your own words, define what the term “biomass” means. Explain how you would calculate the biomass in a given area.
2. After watching the two examples of road trips in the video of how biodiversity is distributed globally, explain how the Artic tundra and the Amazon rainforest differ in terms of species richness and populations. How are they similar?
3. Your friend comments that organisms cannot live and thrive in extremely cold or extremely hot environments. Explain in a few sentences why you agree or disagree with your friend’s statement.
4. Consider the following statement: Humans have changed the ranges of many organisms. Do you agree or disagree? Explain why and give a few examples.
5. Why do humpback whales and whale lice have the same ranges? What type of range factor does this represent? Explain your answer in a few sentences.

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