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Proof of the law of sines

Sal gives a simple proof of the Law of sines. Created by Sal Khan.

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  • piceratops sapling style avatar for user Thea Ruiz
    How could you put the law of sine into a word problem?
    (18 votes)
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    • old spice man green style avatar for user sami00kan
      June wants to measure the distance of one side of a lake. The lake can be expressed as the triangle ABC. Angle a is opposite side BC, angle b is opposite side AC, and angle c is opposite side AB. She knows angle a= 54 degrees and angle b= 43 degrees. She also knows side AC= 106 feet. What is the measure of side BC?
      (28 votes)
  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Olivia Finch
    Does this work for an obtuse triangle as well?
    (6 votes)
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  • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user Colin Warn
    Anyone know if he did another video on him implementing the law of sines?
    (9 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Fouad  Eltaha
    does anyone know where i can find videos for the double angle, half angle and product- sum formulas on this website or any other place?
    (4 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Devon Aphane
    How do I know that I'm supposed to write the law of sines as sinA/a=sinB/b or as a/sinA=b/sinB?
    (7 votes)
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    • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Polina Vitić
      It works either way! But I like to arrange it so that the unknown value is in the numerator of the fraction to the left of the equal sign.

      For example, if I don't know side b, I would write the equation like this:
      b / sinB = a / sinA

      Then it's really easy to rearrange the equation, plug in the values, and solve for b:
      b = (a ⋅ sinB) / sinA

      If I didn't know ∠A, I would write (and rearrange) the equation like this:
      sinA / a = sinB / b
      sinA = (a ⋅ sinB) / b
      ∠A = sin⁻¹ [(a ⋅ sinB) / b]

      Hope this helps!
      (10 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user cindy
    if in trig, side b =26sin47 divided by sin32 how does b=35.9
    (3 votes)
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    • leafers seedling style avatar for user Shaina
      Cindy, 35.9 is a correct answer. Well, I tried solving this on my calculator, and I actually got 35.8831949. Its just that its rounded to the nearest tenths thats why instead of having it in 35.88, it becomes 35.9. You know there are some calculators that round off answers right away.
      (15 votes)
  • marcimus pink style avatar for user 21tbaimash
    why sin 77= 180-77?
    like sin theta = 180-theta? just how?
    (2 votes)
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    • stelly orange style avatar for user USER_R_04
      *Let's make some recap first:-👍😁
      You see, 180 degrees is the sum of all degrees together in triangles, and sine (sin) is a law of opposite/hypotenuse... and theta is a (greek) symbol used for unknown angle values,👍OK?

      Now that we recapped, let's answer ur question :

      *This video proofs that the law of sines is true, so basically, Sal is giving us this proof. Like any proof, we need to provide: example- different ways to solve that come with the same answer as the theory- and correct answer. Sal made a shortcut as proof. If you try with the calculator sine of any angle equals the same as subtracting the whole sum of angles from a given angle (variable or number).😁

      Know that practice makes perfect, the law will make sense to you when you practice it with other problems or experiment it with a triangle.😄(Cool scientist glasses on 👩🏼‍🔬!!)

      Hope I got to your point!!🤗

      (8 votes)
  • winston default style avatar for user Daksh Naidu
    Why not leave it at A(Sin(theta))=B(sin(alpha))?
    (4 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Lily Exalus
    why is the way you guys round so complicated, if i round the wrong way it makes it wrong and to be honest its really annoying
    (2 votes)
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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Z
    Is there a reason why the law of sines works? I mean why the triangle has opposite sides and angles in equal ratios? I do get how he derived it but was wondering why the triangle has angles and their opposite sides in equal ratios to other angles and their opposite sides?
    (2 votes)
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    • female robot grace style avatar for user loumast17
      The derivation actually explains it.

      If you have any triangle and are comparing two of its angles and their corresponing sides, so like alpha and A or Beta and B, you can ue the third angle to drop a perpendicular and form two right triangles. Then both right triangles have the one side x. Then it's just a matter of using algebra. so sin(alpha) = x/B and sin(beta) = x/A. So in less math, splitting a triangle into two right triangles makes it so that perpendicular equals both A * sin(beta) and B * sin(alpha). Then you can further rearange this to get the law of sines as we know it.

      So to summarize, split a triangle in half with a line x and it makes two right triangles. As long as you know soh cah toa you can make a relationship relative to that new x line. And fromt here a relationship with each other.

      Let me know if that did not help.
      (5 votes)

Video transcript

I will now do a proof of the law of sines. So, let's see, let me draw an arbitrary triangle. That's one side right there. And then I've got another side here. I'll try to make it look a little strange so you realize it can apply to any triangle. And let's say we know the following information. We know this angle -- well, actually, I'm not going to say what we know or don't know, but the law of sines is just a relationship between different angles and different sides. Let's say that this angle right here is alpha. This side here is A. The length here is A. Let's say that this side here is beta, and that the length here is B. Beta is just B with a long end there. So let's see if we can find a relationship that connects A and B, and alpha and beta. So what can we do? And hopefully that relationship we find will be the law of sines. Otherwise, I would have to rename this video. So let me draw an altitude here. I think that's the proper term. If I just draw a line from this side coming straight down, and it's going to be perpendicular to this bottom side, which I haven't labeled, but I'll probably, if I have to label it, probably label it C, because that's A and B. And this is going to be a 90 degree angle. I don't know the length of that. I don't know anything about it. All I know is I went from this vertex and I dropped a line that's perpendicular to this other side. So what can we do with this line? Well let me just say that it has length x. The length of this line is x. Can we find a relationship between A, the length of this line x, and beta? Well, sure. Let's see. Let me find an appropriate color. OK. That's, I think, a good color. So what's the relationship? If we look at this angle right here, beta, x is opposite to it and A is the hypotenuse, if we look at this right triangle right here, right? So what deals with opposite and hypotenuse? Whenever we do trigonometry, we should always just right soh cah toa at the top of the page. Soh cah toa. So what deals with opposite of hypotenuse? Sine, right? Soh, and you should probably guess that, because I'm proving the law of sines. So the sine of beta is equal to the opposite over the hypotenuse. It's equal to this opposite, which is x, over the hypotenuse, which is A, in this case. And if we wanted to solve for x, and I'll just do that, because it'll be convenient later, we can multiply both sides of this equation by A and you get A sine of beta is equal to x. Fair enough. That got us someplace. Well, let's see if we can find a relationship between alpha, B, and x. Well, similarly, if we look at this right triangle, because this is also a right triangle, of course, x here, relative to alpha, is also the opposite side, and B now is the hypotenuse. So we can also write that sine of alpha -- let me do it in a different color -- is equal to opposite over hypotenuse. The opposite is x and the hypotenuse is B. And let's solve for x again, just to do it. Multiply both sides by B and you get B sine of alpha is equal to x. So now what do we have? We have two different ways that we solved for this thing that I dropped down from this side, this x, right? We have A sine of beta is equal to x. And then B sine of alpha is equal to x. Well, if they're both equal to x, then they're both equal to each other. So let me write that down. Let me write that down in a soothing color. So we know that A sine of beta is equal to x, which is also equal to B sine of beta -- sorry, B sine of alpha. If we divide both sides of this equation by A, what do we get? We get sine of beta, right, because the A on this side cancels out, is equal to B sine of alpha over A. And if we divide both sides of this equation by B, we get sine of beta over B is equal to sine of alpha over A. So this is the law of sines. The ratio between the sine of beta and its opposite side -- and it's the side that it corresponds to, this B -- is equal to the ratio of the sine of alpha and its opposite side. And a lot of times in the books, let's say, if this angle was theta, and this was C, then they would also write that's also equal to the sine of theta over C. And the proof of adding this here is identical. We've picked B arbitrarily, B as a side, we could have done the exact same thing with theta and C, but instead of dropping the altitude here, we would have had to drop one of the other altitudes. And I think you could figure out that part. But the important thing is we have this ratio. And of course, you could have written it -- since it's a ratio, you could flip both sides of the ratio -- you could write it B over the sine of B is equal to A over the sine of alpha. And this is useful, because if you know one side and its corresponding angle, the angle opposite it that kind of opens up into that side, and say you know the other side, then you could figure out the angle that opens up into it. If you know three of these things, you can figure out the fourth. And that's what's useful about the law of sines. So maybe now I will do a few law of sines word problems. I'll see you in the next video.