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Creativity break: Why is creativity important in algebra?

Algebra is a creative problem-solving tool, similar to art. Just as an artist uses different techniques and brushes to create a masterpiece, algebra combines various mathematical tools to solve complex problems. It's not about memorizing solutions, but about using your knowledge in innovative ways. Created by Khan Academy.

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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user William Ashton
    what happend to sal
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  • leaf blue style avatar for user Indira Viswesh
    If Alegbra was a repersentaion of creativty. What other math forms use the same format as algebra.
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    • mr pink green style avatar for user David Severin
      By looking at the last sentence of the video, "and the beautiful thing is that this balancing and solving equations can be done in many different ways which is where creativity comes in" sums it up pretty well for me. To me, this means that higher math such as Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-cal, Calculus, and beyond all have that same perspective of allowing for creativity because there is more than one path to get to the same place. While upper math is still about patterns, it is being able to view these patterns from different angles as part of this creativity. Even though I have studied math for over 50 years and taught it for over 20, my students as well as those working on Khan Academy can notice things from a different perspective, and we can analyze together and determine if that will work all or most of the time (sone math rules have a few exceptions) or find a counterexample to show that it may not always work. Even when it may not work, there is still a lot of creativity, thinking, and analyzing that strengthens the brain and can be applied to other areas beyond math.
      (9 votes)
  • piceratops seedling style avatar for user Carmelo
    i don't have a question two ask but i'm just going to say heyyy two all the nice and cool teachers because all the teachers that are cool and fun to be with I love you all (why did i just lie) like i was saying you guys are super cool
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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Hunter ^-^
    Why is creativity apart of algebra its just numbers...
    (1 vote)
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    • mr pink green style avatar for user David Severin
      It is numbers, letters, equations, etc. and the creativity of math and algebra comes from the fact that there is often numerous ways to do things in math, so you can choose a variety of paths to get to the same answer. Number sense which I coach is a good example of creativity in math.
      Examples: 15x34 can be done with writing down things and multiplying, or you could double 15 and cut 34 in half (30*17) which is a much easier multiplication to get 510 which can be done in your head. You can show that (10x+5)^2=100x^2+100x+25, factor out 100x in first two to get 100(x)(x+1)+25, this allows you to multiply 45^2 in your head (100)(4(5)+25=2025. 95^2=100*9*10+25=9025. How numbers are related to each other and can be manipulated to make calculations easier is very creative and makes math fun.
      (10 votes)
  • piceratops seedling style avatar for user Elijon Briscoe
    What is algebra? Algebra is the branch of mathematics in which abstract symbols, rather than numbers, are manipulated or operated with arithmetic. For example, x + y = z or b - 2 = 5 are algebraic equations, but 2 + 3 = 5 and 73 * 46 = 3,358 are not. By using abstract symbols, mathematicians can work in general terms that are much more broadly

    Origin of Subject The roots of this subject dates back to 1900 BC when it was traced that it was Babylonians who came up with Algebra. 3. Algebraist If you think that one class of Algebra makes your head spin, imagine a person who specializes in the subject.
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  • blobby green style avatar for user adarms
    what is the meaning of life
    (4 votes)
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  • leaf blue style avatar for user jacobthebluewolf2009
    is that a team PARTNERSIP WITH khan academy and...........A D O B E
    (4 votes)
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  • starky seedling style avatar for user CDX_24
    I didn't know he looked like Sal Khan looked like that :O LOL
    (2 votes)
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  • male robot johnny style avatar for user frailyndelossantos
    its imnportant because like the thing is for people math is important because its pretty much something you will do somewhere in your life.
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user logan.reed
    was the second person to talk, the person who voices all of the videos?
    (1 vote)
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Video transcript

(upbeat music) - It's all about solving problems. It's not about, like maybe in previous years you've done multiplication table memorization. It's not like memorizing how to solve problems. It's learning the tools of how to solve problems and then using them and building them up in creative ways. So it really does remind me of art because if you are doing a painting or something, you have specific tools about maybe paint brushes or different techniques you can use to create something bigger. So I feel like algebra is really all about combining things that you already know how to do into something bigger. - So the word algebra comes from the Arabic word algebra that literally translates to reunion of broken parts. This is breaking apart of mathematical representations and putting it back together in the form of balanced equations is the essence of algebra. And the beautiful thing is that this balancing and solving of equations can be done in many different ways which is where creativity comes in.