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Creating the largest number

Sal uses 3 numbers to show how to create the largest 3 digit number possible. Created by Sal Khan.

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- [Instructor] All right, so right now, we're gonna play what I think is a pretty fun game. And we're going to call this game, creating the largest number. So how do we play? Well, I'm going to give you three digits and you have to create the largest number using those digits. So let's start. So let's say that I have a zero, a four, and a nine. So pause this video and try to create the largest number with a zero, a four, and a nine, and only those digits. All right, now let's work through this together. Now, you might've played around a little bit, tried different combinations of this. But the way that you think about it is, you want the largest digit in the largest number place. So we have three digits here. So we're going to have three places. So let me draw those. So one, two, and three. So this of course, is our one's place. This is our 10's place and then this is our 100's place. Now, we said we wanna put the largest digit in the largest place. So our largest digit is nine and the largest place is the 100's place. And so we would put the nine right over there. And so why do we like doing that? Well think about it. Nine hundreds is way more than putting four hundreds there, or zero hundreds there. And even if you were to put the nine someplace else, if you just put a four hundreds here, even if you had nine tens or nine ones, that's still not going to be anywhere close to nine hundreds. So you wanna put the largest number in the largest place. And then you wanna put the next largest number in the next largest place. So next we have the 10's place. And the next largest number is the four. So you'd put the four there. And then you'd be left putting the zero in the one's place. So 940, and if you don't believe me, try to swap some of these digits around. You will not get a number as large as 940. If you put the zero in the 10's place, you would have 904, which is clearly less than 940. So let's play another round of creating the largest number. So let me give you three more numbers. Let's say I have a two, let's say I have an eight, and let's say I have a four. Create the largest number using these three digits. Pause this video and try to work that out. All right, well it's the same idea. We're going to have three places 'cause we have three digits. 100's place, 10's place, and one's place. And you could say let's put the largest number in the largest place. Well the largest number is eight, the largest place is the 100's place, so let's turn that eight to represent eight hundreds. And then the next largest number is going to be the four. And the next largest place is the 10's place. So let's put make that into four 10s. And then last but not least, we would have to put the two in the one's place. So 842 is the largest number we can create using a two, an eight, and a four.