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Number and word form of a number

Sal shows how to turn a number from number form into word form. Created by Sal Khan.

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- [Instructor] Here is a number. Pause this video and see if you could write this out as words. Okay, now let's do this together. So let's first look at this eight. So this eight is in the hundreds place. This is the ones place, the tens place, the hundreds place. So we're dealing with eight hundreds here or we can start to write our number out as eight hundred and it's gonna be eight hundred, and then there's gonna be more to it. Now we can look at this six, and we could say that's six tens, which is really the same thing as 60, and then we have five ones. So we have 865. So that's what I'm going to write. Eight hundred sixty-five. There you have it. I've just written that number 865 in words. Eight hundred sixty-five. Now let's go the other way around. I'm going to write something in words and I want you to write it as a number. So let's try this one. And I'm not gonna say it out loud 'cause that might help you too much. I want your brain to work hard. So write this one as a number. Okay, now let's do this together. So how many hundreds are we dealing with? Well, it tells us there are two hundreds. So if we think about our place value, we have our hundreds place, our tens places, and our ones place. So how many hundreds do we have? We have two hundreds, and then how many tens and how many ones? Well, we've already taken care of the two hundreds, and all we know now is that we have thirty. Now thirty is the same thing, we could write thirty like that. That's the same thing as three tens, so we could just write it like that, three in the tens place. And then what about the ones place? Well, if it was thirty something, that something would tell us how many ones we have, but this is just thirty. So that's what tells us that we have no ones here. So this is two hundreds, three tens, and no ones or 230.