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Navigating Teacher Activity Overview Report

Navigating Teacher Activity Overview Report

How to navigate the Teacher Activity Overview Report?

What is the Teacher Activity Overview report?

The Teacher Activity Overview report is a feature that allows teachers to monitor and track their students' recent activity and achievement on Khan Academy. It provides detailed information about areas of student success to celebrate and areas in which students need additional support.

Below are the steps to find and use the Activity Overview report:

Step 1: Log into your Khan Academy account. Click your name in the top right-hand corner, then select “Teacher Dashboard” from the dropdown list.
Step 2: Select the class that you would like to view
Step 3: Log into your teacher dashboard, select the “Activity overview” tab then “Activity”. You will see a list of students with a summary of each student's activity.
Step 4: Adjust the filters that include Date Range, and the “Only show my class’s courses” filter
Step 5: Analyze the student data on the report. Below are some tips to help you do so:
  • When you hover over the column titles, a tooltip appears and explains more about the metrics.
  • Reverse the sorting order from high-low to low-high by clicking on the “Total” or “Proficiency” column titles

With this report, you will have the ability to:

  • Monitor progress and identify students who are excelling or may be struggling, allowing for timely intervention.
  • Quickly determine if students are meeting time and skill goals. Remember, the goal is to spend 30+ minutes a week working in Khan Academy and to level up at least two skills.
  • Understand more about the activity (i.e., how many skills did a student work on). This provides more context around the achievement of the student (e.g., levelling up 3 skills out of 5 skills worked on is different than 3 out of 10 skills worked on)
  • See more detailed data about achievement. Easily view the mastery level where skills are landing for each student. Students should level up at least two skills a week, and one of those skills should be levelled up to proficient or higher.

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