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Embedding videos in articles

Embed videos into your articles

The embed videos feature allows you to insert a video into an article when it’s necessary to complement or help explain a subject. For example, if an article is explaining how a lever works, you can use a video that shows it working to improve the learner's understanding.
Image of a "lever" video embedded into a Khan Academy article.

How it works

  • Press the add a widget button.
Image of an article section with the "Add a widget" drop-down menu highlighted.
  • Choose video and write the URL or KA video slug.
Image of a drop-down menu of widgets with the "Video" widget highlighted in blue.
Image of a an article section with a "Video" widget inserted; the "Video" widget includes a blank space where users can add a "URL or KA Video Slug".

Control video start and end times

If you don't want to show an entire video, you can control the start and end time. Copy and paste the YouTube embedded URL, then append controls to specify start time, end time, and turn off related videos at the end.
For example, you can append the following to a video’s URL to start a video at the 310-second mark, end the video and the 320-second mark, and turn off related videos at the end:

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