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Thank you!

Thanks for supporting Khan Academy and our mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. With your contribution, we can continue to make academic content that will help learners all over the world. To show our gratitude for your generous support, we put together a video for you. Thanks again. It means the world to us!

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Video transcript

- From all of us on the fundraising team. - And the people operations team. - And from the marketing team. - From the humanities content team. - From all of us on the design team. - From the partnerships team. - From all of us on the engineering team. - From all of us on the product team. - From the finance team. - From the curriculum development team. - And the test prep team. - From all of us on the international team. - And from India. - Y desde Mexico. - E do Brasil. - And in Toronto. - And in Boston Lake. - And in Ann Arbor, Michigan. - And in Colorado. - And in Bellingham. - And in Waterloo. - And in Austin, Texas. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Gracias. - Obrigada. - Shukria. - Dank je wel. - Tusen takk. - Xièxiè. - Salamat po. - Thank you. - ขอบคุณครับ. - Thank you. - Nandri. - Thank you. - Grazie. - Thank you. תודה. - Thank you. - Дякую. - Thank you. - Danke schoen. - Thank you. - Thank - Thank - Thank - Thank you. All of us here at Khan Acaedmy just want to thank all of you who've helped support us in 2017. As you may know, we're a small non-profit with a big vision of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. And because of you, we're going to be able to continue to fulfill that mission in 2018. Thank you for all your support, from all of us – Thank you!